Opinion: More investment and reforms needed in Papua New Guinea agriculture


Papua New Guinea’s agricultural sector is the backbone of the economy and a substantial contributor to national income, Steve Woodhouse, host of EMTV’s ‘Farming PNG’ program, tells Business Advantage PNG. He calls for changes to the regulatory bodies.

The Solomon Islands are ripe for growth, says the chair of its chamber of commerce and industry


The Solomon Islands’ economy grew by three and a half times between 2003 and 2016. In the first of a two part series, Business Advantage PNG looks at the challenges and opportunities facing the emerging nation.

People moves: Kina Securities, Department of Higher Education, World Bank


Board changes at Kina Securities, a new Secretary for Higher Education Department, new Country Manager for the World Bank

In brief: Government to buy 20 per cent shareholding in Port Moresby hotel complex, and other business stories


Government to spend K300 million buying into Star Mountain Plaza project, Bougainville President supports new-look BCL, and Trade Minister seeks ban on Fiji imports. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.

The secret to fixing PNG’s coffee industry


‘Six month farmers’ are a big problem in Papua New Guinea’s coffee industry Tom Kukhang, the Coffee Industry Corporation’s (CIC’s) Chief Scientist tells Business Advantage PNG. But there is a solution.

Papua New Guinea must take advantage of growing global coffee consumption, say leading exporters


Papua New Guinea’s coffee industry needs to capitalise on the growing global demand for coffee, industry exporters and promoters tell Business Advantage PNG. They believe production improvements are essential to ensuring consistent quality.

Why modernising Papua New Guinea’s bond markets may help solve the foreign exchange shortage


The governor of the Bank of Papua New Guinea, Loi Bakani, says that the shortage of foreign exchange is ‘an issue based on supply and demand of foreign currency for kina.’ One way to increase demand for a nation’s currency is to modernise the bond markets. A World Bank report has looked at some options.

In brief: New 30-day visa a boost for Papua New Guinea tourism, and other business stories


Australians can now obtain a 30-day visa on arrival, Botten says Elk-Antelope could need at least two new LNG trains, and Treasurer confident cash flow enough for health, education and infrastructure spending. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.

Higher government spending could reduce Papua New Guinea’s debt burden, says economist Satish Chand


Papua New Guinea’s debt levels relative to the size of its economy could actually go down if the government increased spending, according to Satish Chand, Professor of Finance in the School of Business at the University of New South Wales. Mounting an argument that goes against conventional wisdom, he contends that as long as the government investment is well managed and receives a strong return, the long term benefits will outweigh the short term risks.

Papua New Guinea cocoa production rising but borer disease a constant threat


Papua New Guinea’s cocoa industry is recovering from the pest, but the cocoa pod borer (CPB) still presents a major challenge and is unlikely ever to be fully eradicated, Cocoa Board of PNG project manager John Moxon tells Business Advantage PNG.