COVID-19 hit to Papua New Guinea’s economy is giving rise to ‘new poor’, says World Bank


A new World Bank report on the economic and employment impact of COVID-19 on Pacific Island Countries has shown that the harm to Papua New Guinea’s economy, labour market and education has been extensive.

2020: the year in review for Papua New Guinea business


COVID-19, Porgera and politics may have monopolised the attention of the media, but 2020 brought many other challenges, unexpected changes and triumphs for business. Here’s how Business Advantage PNG reported on this extraordinary year.

Budget paper: Papua New Guinea’s revenue problem means it must raise more debt


The suspension of Parliament means that Papua New Guinea’s 2021 National Budget will be delayed until at least next month and possibly longer. Whenever it is finally delivered – and whoever delivers it – the recently released Budget Strategy Paper clearly outlines the challenges it must address.

How accurate are the Doing Business indicators? A case study of business environment reform in Pacific Island countries


The World Bank’s Doing Business indicators have become controversial. Paul Holden, Director of the Enterprise Research Institute, and Consultant for the Asian Development Bank Alma Pekmezovic analyse the accuracy of this tool in the Pacific Island nations.

The road ahead: Papua New Guinea’s GDP could rebound by 3.2 per cent next year says the World Bank


Two new World Bank reports outline the challenges facing Papua New Guinea in the wake of the COVID-19 economic shutdowns in the Asia-Pacific region.

Analysis: Papua New Guinea’s salary bill problem


Director of the Development Policy Centre, Stephen Howes, analyses the extraordinary growth of PNG’s government salary bill and explains why it’s a concern.

Papua New Guinea heading for negative growth this year, says World Bank


Presenting the latest World Bank economic update for Papua New Guinea, PNG country economist Ilyas Sarsenov says its government has responded well to the challenges of COVID-19 but hard choices lie ahead.

In brief: China and Papua New Guinea strengthen commercial ties and other business stories


Papua New Guinea can now export seafood directly to mainland China, the World Bank projects GDP growth in South East Asia and the Pacific region to fall to 0.5 per cent and an agriculture project is set to transform Eastern Highlands province. The news you need to kickstart your week.

Debt crisis looming: reports say Papua New Guinea needs new investment


Papua New Guinea is facing a debt crisis according to new reports from the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank, and the country will need the cash injection of new major investments to avoid ‘lacklustre’ future growth.

In brief: Papua New Guinea to receive K70 million from the World Bank and other business stories


World Bank commits K70 million to help Papua New Guinea in its fight against COVID-19, the Minister for Petroleum gives an update on resource projects and Oil Search successfully completes its equity raise. The business news you need to know to kickstart you week.