People moves: Westpac, Nambawan Super, Kumul Telikom, Capital Insurance


Nambawan Super elects a new Chairman, Westpac announces a Chief Executive, Specialist Business, Chairman of Kumul Telikom Holdings resigns, and CEO confirmed at Capital Insurance.

Debt crisis looming: reports say Papua New Guinea needs new investment


Papua New Guinea is facing a debt crisis according to new reports from the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank, and the country will need the cash injection of new major investments to avoid ‘lacklustre’ future growth.

Women on board: why Papua New Guinea needs more women in directive roles (opinion)


Papua New Guinean lawyer Sharon Kupp-Tengdui is leading by example and helping to change the all-male landscape usually seen in PNG boards. 

Impediments: What’s really holding Papua New Guinea business back?


Foreign exchange has gone from being a big business problem to becoming a major impediment for all businesses in Papua New Guinea. What does the future hold for this and other challenges facing business?

The PNG 100 CEO Survey: Papua New Guinea’s chief executives ‘remain optimistic’


Westpac Bank’s Senior Economist Justin Smirk identifies five key highlights from Business Advantage’s PNG 100 CEO Survey of chief executives in the country’s biggest companies. 

People moves: Internal Revenue Commission, Westpac, Easy Skill PNG


The Internal Revenue Commission confirms Commissioner General, Westpac welcomes a new Chairman and Easy Skill PNG appoints a Business Manager.

Financial services: a sector profile


A profile of the financial services sector in Papua New Guinea, including information on banks, finance companies, capital markets, superannuation and insurance.

People moves: Westpac PNG, Bank South Pacific Vanuatu


A new Chairman of Westpac PNG, BSP Vanuatu appoints first female board member

Why Papua New Guinea and Fiji should be doing more business


In recent times, Fijian companies have been attracted to Papua New Guinea because of the size of its market. There are plenty of reasons for PNG companies to look in the other direction.

Oil and LNG prices steady, while gold and coffee jump: a monthly review of Papua New Guinea’s commodity and financial markets


Oil and LNG have remained steady but the gold price rises and coffee is up. Business Advantage PNG’s monthly review of Papua New Guinea commodities and financial markets.