In brief: Vaccine roll-out commences in Papua New Guinea and other business stories


Vaccine roll-out commences in Papua New Guinea, the effects of the liquor ban in PNG breweries, and funding for the Edevu Transmission and Electrification project. Your business news curated.

Pawa to the people: how SP Brewery’s Cassava Project is changing lives


SP Brewery’s use of locally sourced cassava to make its Pawa Punch brew, has been hailed for its sustainability. Corporate Affairs Manager John Nilkare talks about the award-winning project.

Winners of the inaugural Innovation PNG 2019 Awards announced


Two of the most innovative companies in Papua New Guinea were recognised on Friday at the inaugural Innovation PNG 2019 conference. Here is what you need to know.

Five questions for SP Brewery’s Ed Weggemans


There’s been a change at the top at PNG’s largest brewer. Business Advantage PNG catches up with Ed Weggemans, new Managing Director of Heineken-owned SP Brewery.

People moves: SP Brewery, Anitua Group, Credit Corporation PNG, PNG Power, Ahi Local Level Government


SP Brewery announces a new Managing Director, new Chief Financial Officer and Chief Commercial Officer at the Anitua Group, PNG Power names Acting Chief Executive Officer, Credit Corporation PNG appoints General Manager Property, and the Ahi Local Level Government elects a President.

In brief: Papua New Guinea’s Prime Minister appoints twelve Vice-Ministers and other business stories


Prime Minister James Marape has announced the names of his new Vice-Ministers, Air Niugini to take up the Cairns-Hong Kong route via Port Moresby and SP Brewery opens a cassava plant. Your weekly digest of business news.

In brief: Total expects new Papua New Guinea Government to honour gas agreement, and other business stories


Total expects new PNG Government to honour gas agreement, SP Brewery signs a MoU to turn brewing waste into fertiliser and Air Niugini may take over one of Cathay Pacific’s routes. Your weekly digest of business news.

SP Brewery MD sees better future for manufacturers in Papua New Guinea


Being a manufacturer in Papua New Guinea means managing its economic cycles, says Stan Joyce, Managing Director of SP Brewery, Papua New Guinea’s largest brewer. He tells Business Advantage PNG the economy is starting to turn in the manufacturing sector’s favour.

Economic update: major projects will be crucial for Papua New Guinea’s economy


The fate of some major projects will be critical for the future of the Papua New Guinea economy over the next decade. In the second of a two-part series, Andrew Wilkins discusses the implications.

Take the long-term view to investing in Papua New Guinea, says brewer


The secrets to a successful business operation in Papua New Guinea are to form partnerships, stay ahead of the game and be the best in your field. But the key, says Stan Joyce, Managing Director of SP Brewery, is to take the long-term view.