Papua New Guinea’s ‘engine room’ seeing new investment, says Lae Chamber president


In spite of the challenges, Papua New Guinea’s second city, Lae, is experienced some significant new investments. Business Advantage PNG sits down with John Byrne, President of the Lae Chamber of Commerce, to discuss the state of play in the country’s “engine room”.

What makes brands work in Papua New Guinea?


A recent online survey to identify Papua New Guinea’s most recognisable brands suggests that traditional marketing techniques still hold sway in PNG. But for how much longer?

Case study: Ramu Agri Industries


Sugar, beef and oil palm are the three platforms on which Papua New Guinea agricultural company, Ramu Agri Industries (RAI) is based. Expansion is planned for all three, following the company’s September 2008 acquisition by New Britain Palm Oil Limited (NBPOL). Ramu Agri Industries’ General Manager Jamie Graham says RAI’s broad strategy is to ‘continue […]