PNG Investment Summit an ‘unqualified success’


The Papua New Guinea Advantage 2012, PNG’s inaugural international investment summit held on 10 and 11 September, was an unqualified success according to its organisers. Numbers at the event exceeded expectations, with over 300 delegates attending over two days to hear 35 expert speakers—including PNG’s Public Enterprises Minister Ben Micah, high profile business journalist Michael Pascoe and […]

PNG: overcoming the challenges


As Business Advantage’s PNG 100 CEO Survey reveals, leading companies are performing exceptionally in spite of facing an array of severe impediments. We take a closer look at some of the daily challenges faced by companies doing business in Papua New Guinea and find out how they are overcoming them. At the beginning of 2011, […]

Key human resources considerations in Papua New Guinea


1. Skills Skills shortages are widespread in PNG, and likely to get worse in the short to medium term. As one expat manager told us: ‘If you have a trade in PNG, you are basically guaranteed a job.’ Larger firms are often obliged to source expats from overseas for specialised or highly skilled roles. Leadership […]