In brief: lease extension for Papua New Guinea’s Porgera mine refused and other business stories


Papua New Guinea to take over Porgera Mine, Mining Minister is looking to restart Wafi-Golpu discussions and Shadow Treasurer urges the introduction of a supplementary budget. The business news you need to kickstart you week.

In brief: Kavieng Airport in New Ireland Province set for an upgrade and other business stories


The National Airport Corporation signs an agreement to upgrade Kavieng Airport, NKW Fresh signs a deal to support farmers in Morobe Province and Air Niugini turns around K133 million loss in 2018 to a profit. The news you need to kickstart your week.

In brief: Porgera Landowners Association presents a petition to renew mining lease and other business stories


The future could look bright for Porgera gold mine, Western Province announces its position on P’nyang, and Papua New Guinea’s Treasurer says non-resource growth for 2020 is projected at 3.3 per cent. The business news you need to kick-start your week.

Transparency report shines light on Papua New Guinea’s extractive sector


Although the extractive sector continues to be responsible for the bulk of Papua New Guinea’s exports, the latest Papua New Guinea Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative report has found that revenues to government remain comparatively small. Here’s what you need to know.

In brief: Asian Development Bank to invest in Kina and other business stories


Kina and the Asian Development Bank join forces, the Bank of Papua New Guinea launches its ‘regulatory sandpit’, and PNG’s first rooftop solar power trial begins. This is your weekly digest of business news.

Prime Minister Marape flags more support for small business and less for future resources projects


Prime Minister James Marape has outlined a two-pronged economic strategy to boost Papua New Guinea’s economy. He has also commented on the government’s attempts to manage the country’s rising debt, reports David James.

The Marape Manifesto: Prime Minister announces bold new course for Papua New Guinea


Papua New Guinea’s Prime Minister, James Marape, has issued The Marape Manifesto, a blueprint outlining his priorities in government. It flags some big changes, especially in the resource sector. David James explores.

The intensifying debate over the future of Papua New Guinea’s mining industry


The mining industry needs government help to solve an exploration crisis, according to industry representatives. But government bodies are saying there needs to be a better sharing of the rewards in the national interest. Business Advantage PNG looks at the contrasting views of the industry and the state.

In brief: Porgera mine to continue operations and other business stories


Operations at Porgera mine will continue while the application for the Special Mining Lease is revised, concerns about the delay in the approval of the Ramu 2 project, and Wafi-Golpu still before court. Your weekly digest of business news.

iPi Group eyes next phase of growth


The diversified iPi Group has grown up from its origins as a provider of services to the Porgera gold mine in Papua New Guinea. Chief Executive Officer Scott O’Reilly outlines his strategy to overcome tighter trading conditions to Business Advantage PNG.