In brief: Secrecy over proposed Sovereign Wealth Fund criticised, and other business stories


Failure to set up the Sovereign Wealth Fund criticised, Telikom undertakes ‘due diligence’ on EMTV, and a call to continue tax breaks for resource sector investors. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.

In brief: PNG LNG project makes a significant contribution to landowner companies, and other business stories.


Local landowner companies benefit from PNG LNG project, PNG Government takes Woodlark stake, and Buka Airport disrupted by shut down. Your weekly digest of the latest regional business news.

In brief: O’Neill defends loan, call to boost police/military, Abbott in PNG


O’Neill defends loan to buy into Oil Search, economy vulnerable unless security boosted, Manus Detention Centre focus of Abbott/O’Neill talks. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.

New power plants for Moresby and Lae to be privately built


State utility PNG Power has been authorised to start negotiations with Hong Kong-based liquefied gas and power company, Energy World Corporation, to build a new 30MW-to-80MW diesel and gas-fuelled power plant in Port Moresby.

Papua New Guinea turns to the private sector for electricity


Power outages may become a distant memory, with Papua New Guinea’s power generation capacity set to double in coming years, largely due to increased investment from the private sector.

Gas and petroleum: the year of heavy lifting


Papua New Guinea’s oil and gas sector continues to attract new entrants as its ExxonMobil-led PNG LNG liquefied natural gas project moves inexorably towards a production stage. Papua New Guinea is highly prospective for oil and gas, with deposits being found across its Highlands provinces, Foreland Basin and even beneath the Gulf of Papua. The […]

Tabubil: A college town in the clouds


Built to support the Ok Tedi mine, the town of Tabubil is in many ways a model town for Papua New Guinea. In spite of its remote location in the misty Star Mountains, its roads and houses are well-maintained; it has reputable and well-resourced hospital, international school and small international airport; its utilities are reliable, […]