In brief: Salini-Impregilo to develop Papua New Guinea’s biggest hydro project, and other business stories


Italian firm to construct giant Chimbo hydro dam, SOEs’ assets valued at K20 billion, and development concept for Elk-Antelope expected by mid-year. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.

In brief: Funding freeze on Pacific Marine Industrial Zone lifted, and other business stories


China lifts freeze on funding for Pacific Marine Industrial Zone, only five SABL leases handed back and Malaysian company to build satellite township in Central province. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.

Papua New Guinea bucket list: Madang Resort


Sonja Heydeman discovers Madang Resort on the northern coast of mainland Papua New Guinea, as part of our series on the country’s most attractive tourist spots.

The Pacific Marine Industrial Zone: an update


Work on the flagship project of Papua New Guinea’s fisheries industry, the Pacific Marine Industrial Zone (PMIZ) in Madang, is progressing steadily, with the presentation of the design concept in early 2012. While National Fisheries Authority Managing Director Sylvester Pokajam concedes ‘it has been slow going,’ he also says it has been important to get […]

Sector profile: Fisheries


Fisheries has emerged as one of Papua New Guinea’s most dynamic sectors, following a wave of investment from Asia. In this special feature, Samantha Magick speaks with some of the sector’s key players about its current state and the prospects for further expansion. In 2010, PNG supplied about 17% of the world’s tuna catch, a […]