In brief: Third mobile carrier getting ready to roll by year-end and other business stories


Communications Minister confident in a new telco by year-end, the ICCC initiates review of Kina’s takeover of Westpac, and Ok Tedi Mining pledges K10 million in COVID-19 relief. Your business news in brief.

In brief: Ok Tedi Mining suspends operations and other business stories


COVID-19 forces Papua New Guinea’s Ok Tedi Mining to shut operations, PNG Biomass Project decision due in later this year and Mendi Airport completion expected in October. Your business news summarised.

In brief: Ok Tedi Mining suspends flights to Australia and other business stories


Ok Tedi Mining suspends flight to Australia after three miners tested positive to COVID-19, Papua New Guinea continues to battle surge in COVID cases and National Fisheries Authority signs agreement for Daru fishery.

Digging deeper: resources sector’s contribution undervalued in Papua New Guinea


The contribution of the resources sector to the Papua New Guinea is being greatly under-estimated according to Maygen Turliu, Director of Tax & Business Services for Deloitte PNG. What appears in Treasury’s Budget is less than a third of its actual contribution.

In brief: Kina Bank set to restock chests and other business stories


Kina Bank announces an equity raising, Ok Tedi Mining reports K50 million interim dividend and the Prime Minister aiming to reach agreements on major resource projects by the end of the year. The business news you need to kickstart your week.

In brief: Papua New Guinea and Australia sign economic partnership agreement and other business stories


Papua New Guinea and Australia sign economic partnership agreement, seafood venture for New Ireland, and K200 million for SMEs still on its way. The business news you need to kickstart your week.

Staking his claim: Kumul Minerals Holdings’ Peter Graham talks exclusively about the mining entity’s future


Peter Graham, Chairman of Papua New Guinea’s state-owned mining company Kumul Minerals Holdings, talks extensively about its plans for the future.

Business says enough is enough: it’s time to stop violence against women in Papua New Guinea


Papua New Guinea’s business community is getting behind the fight to eradicate violence against women. Business Advantage PNG looks at just some of the initiatives being pursued following the recent widely-reported murder of a young mother in Port Moresby.

In brief: tariffs, fees and levies hurting agriculture and other business stories


NBPOL claims tariffs, fees and levies are hurting agriculture, SMEs to benefit from government’s stimulus and government owes over K1 billion to businesses. The business news you need to kickstart your week.

Ok Tedi Mining to be a ‘model miner’, says new CEO


In the midst of Papua New Guinea’s state of emergency, there was a change at the top of Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML). Business Advantage PNG asks Musje Werror, OTML’s newly appointed Managing Director and CEO, about his vision for the future of PNG’s largest mine.