People moves: Lae Chamber of Commerce, Oil Search, Nautilus Minerals, Insurance Commission


New Executive voted in at Lae Chamber of Commerce, a new Director at Nautilus Minerals

In brief: Tuna fishing rebate changes favour on-shore processors, and other business stories


New fishing rebate scheme favours on-shore processors, coffee producer says poor roads in Western Highlands devalues coffee, and Lae laments loss of Alan McLay. Your weekly digest of the latest business news. Trade Minister, Wera Mori, says a threat by foreign fishing firms to close their processing facilities, after the government ended the rebate on […]

What signs of recovery are experienced business leaders looking for in Papua New Guinea? (Part One)


What are the signs of economic recovery in Papua New Guinea that business leaders should look out for? In the first of a two part series, Business Advantage PNG asks some experienced business leaders what indicators they regard as significant and whether what they are seeing is positive.

In brief: Sir Michael Somare retires after 49 years in politics, and other business stories


Founding Prime Minister retires, new US Embassy to be built, NRI questions land allocation for petroleum park. Your weekly digest of the latest business news. Papua New Guinea’s longest serving MP and first Prime Minister, Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare, has bowed out of politics after 49 years. The former Prime Minister said at an NBC Press Club interview […]

In brief: Chinese companies win bid to build Ramu 2 power project, and other business stories


Two Chinese companies to build Ramu 2 power project, 95 per cent of logs sent to China, and Lae business leaders welcome ADB loan for key roads. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.

Opinion: Papua New Guinea economy to remain weak but Lae business hopeful of an upturn


The Papua New Guinea economy is not likely to improve greatly in the first half of the year, says Alan McLay, President of the Lae Chamber of Commerce. But he believes companies in Lae – PNG’s manufacturing and logistics hub – remain hopeful of an upturn and he expects some positive developments with power provision.

Papua New Guinea rises 14 places in World Bank ‘ease of doing business’ ratings


Papua New Guinea has risen 14 places overall in the World Bank’s annual report on ‘Ease of Doing Business’, primarily in the areas of starting a business and getting credit.

Third stage of minimum wage increase for Papua New Guinea workers effective from July


The minimum wage in PNG will rise to K3.50 an hour from 1 July, from the current rate of K3.36.

In brief: Chamber calls for action over lack of foreign exchange, and other business stories


Lae business leader warns of job cuts if forex problem not solved soon, Tourism Minister says PNG lags behind Vanuatu and Fiji in tourism spend, and 1,000 SMEs to close when asylum seeker centre closes. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.

A tale of two cities: reflections on 10 years in Port Moresby and Lae


Papua New Guinea’s two major cities, Port Moresby and Lae, are the heartbeat of the economy. David Conn, Chief Executive of the Port Moresby Chamber of Commerce and Industry (POMCCI) and Alan McLay, President of the Lae Chamber of Commerce (LCCI) reflect on the changes that have occurred in their respective cities over the last decade.