Fair share? Papua New Guinea’s move to production sharing in resource projects questioned


The Papua New Guinea government’s proposal to move to production sharing agreements in resource projects may not solve the government’s financial problems and there is a risk it will harm the country’s reputation for being a good place to invest, according to the industry itself.

Papua New Guinea’s proposed new resources law aims to shake up old ownership models


A new organic law defining how Papua New Guinea manages resource projects may soon be tabled in Parliament. It appears the main aim will be to change ownership and control of future projects, but will it spook international investors?

In brief: Papua New Guinea and Japan strengthen ties and other business stories


Papua New Guinea and Japan sign a Statement of Intent, PNG launches a National Energy Policy and potential changes to the way Kumul Petroleum Holdings and Kumul Mineral Holdings operate. The business news you need to kickstart your week.

People moves: KPHL, PNG Air, Geopacific Resources


Kumul Petroleum Holdings Ltd (KPHL) announces a new Chairman of the Board, PNG Air welcomes a Company Secretary and Geopacific Resources appoints a CEO.

Fair split: finding an oil and gas model that works in Papua New Guinea


Papua New Guinea is making changes to its approach to oil and gas projects, suggesting the country gets a worse share of revenues than other comparable nations. John Chambers, General Manager of Santos, considers some of the options used internationally.

Oil change: Marape to alter Papua New Guinea’s oil and gas legislation


Prime Minister James Marape has introduced changes to Papua New Guinea’s oil and gas law, claiming it will benefit the country’s ‘national interest’. The changes may well represent a major shift in the way projects are developed in the future.

In brief: Papua New Guinea’s financial institutions respond to State of Emergency and other business stories


Papua New Guinea’s financial institutions offer businesses support for State of Emergency, Oil Search cuts staff, and Air Niugini to resume flights. The business news you need to kickstart your week.

In brief: Asian Development Bank to invest in Kina and other business stories


Kina and the Asian Development Bank join forces, the Bank of Papua New Guinea launches its ‘regulatory sandpit’, and PNG’s first rooftop solar power trial begins. This is your weekly digest of business news.

New rules, more independence: Kumul Petroleum’s future


Papua New Guinea is set to introduce new rules for petroleum licenses, according to Kumul Petroleum Holdings Limited Managing Director, Wapu Sonk. In this exclusive interview, he tells Business Advantage PNG the state-owned oil and gas company is about to undergo a transformational change.

In brief: PNGX announces the launch of six indices and other business news


PNGX to launch six indices, Oil Search reports sluggish third quarter results, and Geopacific Resources on track to fund Woodlark. Your weekly digest of business news.