In brief: PNG LNG project plans investment decision on third train in 2017, and other business stories


PNG Government signs agreement with PNG LNG project partners, UN expects significant economic growth in PNG, and National Petroleum Company to revise annual plan following oil crash. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.

People moves: ExxonMobil, Ok Tedi Mining, Pacific Fisheries Commission, Ministry of Transport


A new MD at ExxonMobil, a new CEO for Ok Tedi Mining, a new head at the Pacific Fisheries Commission and an interim director within the Ministry of Transport

Five things we took home from the Papua New Guinea Mining and Petroleum Investment Conference


In spite of the recent worldwide slump in commodity prices, numbers were strong at this week’s 13th Papua New Guinea Mining and Petroleum Investment Conference in Sydney. Business Advantage PNG examines why.

In brief: Deal to purchase Motukea for port relocation signed, and other business stories


State Solicitor refuses approval for purchase of Motukea island land for port relocation, Confusion over Ok Tedi compensation payments, report says PNG state-owned enterprises under performing compared to Pacific counterparts. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.

High interest rates a hurdle for investors, says Nambawan Super, and other business stories


Call for government to lower interest rates, inflation rises and Air Niugini reduces fuel surcharge. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.

Papua New Guinea’s PNG LNG project: who gets the money?


The first shipment of gas from Papua New Guinea’s PNG LNG project has left for Japan this week, highlighting the potential billions of dollars of income for the project’s partners. Business Advantage PNG looks at where that income will go.

In brief: Government considers lift in minimum wage and other business stories


Cabinet considers a rise in the minimum wage, Australia to involve private sector in aid delivery, and Oil Search expects huge annual cashflow from LNG plant. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.

In brief: First LNG shipment on board ship this week and other business stories


First LNG cargo loaded this week, O’Neill announces inquiry into asset sales by PNGSDP, and more room for mobile phone operators, says NICTA. Your weekly digest of the week’s top business stories.

In brief: Emergency declared in Porgera over illegal mining and other business stories


A state of emergency declared in Porgera over illegal mining, O’Neill promises to cancel illegal forestry leases and second LNG train about to begin production. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.

Our reputation is on the line, says ExxonMobil’s Graham


In the second and final part of his exclusive interview with Business Advantage PNG, ExxonMobil PNG Managing Director Peter Graham considers the flow-on benefits of the PNG LNG project and ExxonMobil’s future in PNG. Plus, what’s going to happen to the project’s 14,700 workers?