Opinion: Recent project reviews could be an opportunity for landowner renegotiation


After over three decades, Papua New Guinea’s government seems to be speaking a different language: one that calls for greater benefits into government coffers and landowner pockets, says journalist Scott Waide. He explains why resource projects have come under scrutiny recently and what it means for landowners.

The huge risks and rewards of Papua New Guinea’s Porgera gold mine


The Porgera gold mine in Papua New Guinea’s Enga Province is a world class gold mine but, as Executive Director for Barrick (Niugini) Ila Temu explains, it is also one of the world’s most difficult mines to operate.

Enga Province: Papua New Guinea Business Guide


Enga is the highest and is the second most rugged province in Papua New Guinea. Most of the province is over 2000 metres above sea level, but there are also many valleys which feed into the two major river systems that drain the province: the Lagaip, a tributary of the Fly River, and the Lai, a tributary of the Sepik River.