Papua New Guinea’s ‘engine room’ seeing new investment, says Lae Chamber president


In spite of the challenges, Papua New Guinea’s second city, Lae, is experienced some significant new investments. Business Advantage PNG sits down with John Byrne, President of the Lae Chamber of Commerce, to discuss the state of play in the country’s “engine room”.

Sector profile: Manufacturing


The range of products manufactured in Papua New Guinea is growing all the time. The range of goods made in PNG is quite impressive. Much of PNG’s manufactured produce is aimed at a domestic consumer market that is growing so rapidly—albeit from a low base—that many local manufacturers are struggling to meet demand. Many producers […]

Company profile: DuluxGroup (PNG)


DuluxGroup’s PNG headquarters are in Lae, where it has manufactured paint and chemicals for over 40 years. It employs about 100 people between Lae and Port Moresby, and has trade depots in Kimbe, Kokopo and Madang. Today, its activities involve the production of surface coating, preparation and chemical products and related services. It supplies industrial […]