People moves: Treasury, Bank of Papua New Guinea, World Bank, Datec PNG, IFC and Port Moresby Nature Park


Treasurer reinstated and Bank of Papua New Guinea appoints new Financial Analysis and Supervision Unit (FASU) Director.

Papua New Guinea’s economy set for medium term growth: IMF


Papua New Guinea’s economy has weathered the COVID pandemic well, according to the International Monetary Fund’s latest Article IV assessment, completed last week. While the assessment paints an improved picture over the medium term, it flags some key reforms that PNG’s government still needs to address. 

Papua New Guinea’s plan to balance the budget [analysis]


Papua New Guinea’s 2022 National Budget focuses on health, growth and reducing its deficit by 2027, but can this be achieved? Economists Stephen Howes and Kelly Samof consider the evidence.

Papua New Guinea secures spot in World Expo but urgent action needed


This year, the United Arab Emirates has provided economic support to small nations, including Papua New Guinea, to join the Expo 2020 Dubai. However, PNGs’ Expo Commissioner Joshua Kalinoe has issued an urgent call for support to ensure PNG’s pavilion is ready.

What’s on the agenda for Papua New Guinea business in 2021?


With the Marape government surviving a challenge late last year and vaccines for the COVID-19 virus starting to emerge, Business Advantage PNG considers what business in Papua New Guinea can expect from the year ahead.

Papua New Guinea’s PM signals ‘honest and transparent’ economic repair


Papua New Guinea’s Prime Minister, James Marape, has outlined his government’s goals for 2021, including building up infrastructure, undertaking ‘Budget repair’ and exploring ways to invest in domestic businesses. 

The sound of silence: minimal changes to taxes in Papua New Guinea’s 2021 Budget [analysis]


There were few tax surprises in the 2020-21 Budget. However, what was not there was just as significant as what was, according to KPMG’s Tax Partner in Papua New Guinea, Karen McEntee.

Papua New Guinea’s 2021 National Budget: the most ‘challenging in our lifetime’


The current economic conditions are the most ‘challenging in our lifetime’, according to Justin Smirk, Senior Economist at Westpac. He told a Business Advantage PNG briefing that the success of the 2021 National Budget depended on getting Papua New Guinea’s non-resources economy firing.

Parliament passes budget bills in lightning session, then adjourns until April 2021


Parliament sat briefly and unexpectedly yesterday to pass the 2021 National Budget legislation after Speaker Job Pomat ruled that last Friday’s surprise adjournment was illegal. It may not sit again until April 2021.

Budget paper: Papua New Guinea’s revenue problem means it must raise more debt


The suspension of Parliament means that Papua New Guinea’s 2021 National Budget will be delayed until at least next month and possibly longer. Whenever it is finally delivered – and whoever delivers it – the recently released Budget Strategy Paper clearly outlines the challenges it must address.