Papua New Guinea’s oldest finance company remains optimistic


Papua New Guinea’s credit finance industry has had ‘a challenging year’, according to Peter Burland, at one of the country’s leading finance companies, Credit Corporation Finance Ltd. Despite that, the company has expansion plans, he tells Business Advantage PNG.

In brief: Funding freeze on Pacific Marine Industrial Zone lifted, and other business stories


China lifts freeze on funding for Pacific Marine Industrial Zone, only five SABL leases handed back and Malaysian company to build satellite township in Central province. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.

In brief: BSP’s bid for Credit Corporation fails and other stories


Credit Corporation shareholders decide not to sell up to BSP, while Papua New Guinea business visa fees rise sharply and Ok Tedi landowners threaten to close the mine in the latest dispute over the government’s takeover.

In brief: TISA against Credit Corporation sale, LNG funds missing and other local and international stories


PNG Teachers vote down selling Credit Corp and other local and regional news.

Credit Corporation shareholders to decide on K250 million BSP offer


After negotiations which have lasted since January, Bank of South Pacific (BSP ) and Credit Corporation have entered into a ‘Share Sale and Purchase Agreement’, whereby BSP will acquire of Credit Corporation’s financial services businesses, if Credit Corporation’s shareholders approve.

PNG stock prices fall, but domestics add confidence


2013 was a mixed year for PNG stocks. The Kina Securities Index fell by 14.9% over the year, but was largely influenced by the massive fall in value of the dual-listed Newcrest Mining, the largest company on the Port Moresby Stock Exchange (POMSoX). The Kina Securities Home Index, which excludes overseas stocks, fell only 2%.

People moves: Credit Corporation


Finance company Credit Corporation (PNG) Ltd has appointed two new board members.

Economic update: our annual snapshot of Papua New Guinea’s economy


Papua New Guinea enters 2013 with a new government in place, a major gas project nearing completion and some ambitious development goals, reports Business Advantage PNG’s Andrew Wilkins.

Credit Corporation profits up 250%


Papua New Guinean finance company Credit Corporation, the target of recent buyout interest from BSP, has posted increased profits of K106.11 million in the financial year ending 31 December 2012.

Reaching out to the unbanked


Papua New Guinea’s strong financial services sector is becoming ever more sophisticated in servicing both the mass-market and premium ends of the market. ‘PNG continues to have a very, very strong banking sector. We are very lucky here to have the banks that we do. Investors want that, and they often don’t expect that there’s […]