Strong performance by Bank South Pacific in 2015 benefits Papua New Guinea economy


Bank South Pacific (BSP) had a strong performance in 2015. It was a bright spot for the Papua New Guinea economy. The Chief Executive of BSP, Robin Fleming, says the bank’s profits have allowed the company to increase its payments of dividend income back into the economy.

In brief: Papua New Guinea forex pressure to ease by the end of April says BSP CEO, and other business stories


Ok Tedi’s cashflow plus new loan to ease foreign exchange situation, feasibility study to look at water pipeline from Highlands to Queensland, and illegal fishing in Pacific costs US$660 million a year. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.

Results of Papua New Guinea’s major companies show some struggling more than others


Recently released results of some of Papua New Guinea’s major companies indicate that the economic downturn in 2015 put significant pressure on earnings. However, while energy companies suffered most, PNG’s finance sector proved resilient.

In brief: LNG overtakes gold as top export and other Papua New Guinea news


LNG overtakes gold as PNG’s top export, number of female executive appointments in PNG public service low and Bank of South Pacific reports profit rise. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.

SME policy launch reflects growing realisation that Papua New Guinea cannot rely solely on the resources sector


The launch of the country’s first master plan to develop the Small and Medium Sized Enterprise (SME) sector reflects a growing acknowledgment by Cabinet ministers that they need to grow sectors other than mining.

In brief: Call for Papua New Guinea government and industry to weather low commodity prices, and other business stories


Oil Search leader says PNG ‘well placed’ to manage low commodity price regime, Ok Tedi expected to be profitable, and BSP reports 5 per cent profit increase. Your weekly digest of the latest business news. PNG is well placed to weather the current low world oil price environment, but the Government and industry need to […]

‘Worst period may be over’ in Papua New Guinea, says bank report


In spite of a ‘challenging’ 2015 and tough market conditions, the latest Bank South Pacific analysis suggests that the ‘worst period may be over’ in Papua New Guinea. However, it is cautious about the prospects for the government’s planned US$1 billion ‘circuit breaker’ sovereign bond issue.

Papua New Guinea lenders welcome registry of personal assets


The creation of a registry of personal assets to be used as loan security will boost the small business sector, according to Moses Liu, the Managing Director of the National Development Bank.

What’s on the agenda for Papua New Guinea business in 2016?


As Papua New Guinea business gets back to work for a new year, Business Advantage PNG looks ahead to consider what 2016 may bring.

Relief in sight for Papua New Guinea businesses wanting foreign exchange, says BSP CEO


There is some relief ahead for businesses struggling to access foreign exchange, according to the CEO of the country’s biggest bank, BSP. Robin Fleming says investment in the mining and petroleum sector and a new Sovereign Bond are the keys to boosting foreign exchange inflows.