In Brief: signing of the Papua LNG project agreement deferred and other business stories


The signing of the Papua LNG project deferred, PNG LNG signs Singapore deal, and Minister flags new Mining Act. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.

In Brief: Bougainville referendum postponed until October and other business stories


Bougainville’s independence referendum deferral, Papua New Guinea ranked 109 out of 190 in the World Bank’s 2019 Ease of Doing Business Report and possible changes to the Foreign Investment Regulatory Bill. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.

People Moves: Bank South Pacific, DCITE


A new Secretary at the Department of Communications, BSP banker retires.

Foreign exchange becoming more available, says BSP’s CEO Robin Fleming


Robin Fleming, Chief Executive of Bank South Pacific – Papua New Guinea’s biggest bank – says foreign exchange availability is improving. In this exclusive interview with Business Advantage PNG, he also discusses BSP’s approach to risk, and its new digital offerings.

People Moves: Bank South Pacific, PNG Air


Notable Papua New Guinea-related appointments and departures. This week: a new head of BSP Digital, CFO departs PNG Air. 

In brief: Lihir most productive mine in PNG, and other business stories


Lihir most productive mine, apprentice of the year named, and a public-private partnership for power in Hela. Your weekly digest of the latest business news. Lihir Gold Mine in the New Ireland Province has topped the mining sector in the country as the most productive mine, according to Mining Minister Johnson Tuke. ‘In 2017, it […]

In brief: PNG Power’s APEC commitment, and other business stories


Oil Search’s strong result, PNG Power promises, and a loan agreement for Crater Gold Mining. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.

Sovereign bond an ‘important milestone’ for Papua New Guinea that should affect interest rates, says BSP’s Fleming


The US$500 million sovereign bond raising will improve foreign exchange cash flows, according to Robin Fleming, Chief Executive of Bank South Pacific. He tells Business Advantage PNG that it represents an ‘important milestone’ for Papua New Guinea’s financial system.

In brief: Ramu NiCo announces K4.8b expansion plans, and other business news


Ramu NiCo announces expansion, Kina Bank celebrates innovation award, and Frieda River Project Accord signed. A weekly digest of the latest business news.

Sovereign bond issue will ‘test’ Papua New Guinea’s market access, says Standard & Poor’s


The Papua New Guinea government has begun spruiking its sovereign bond issue with a series of meetings with investors in Singapore, Hong Kong, London and the US, led by Treasurer Charles Abel. However, while Standard and Poor’s has given the issue a ‘B’ stable rating, others say the government may have to offer a premium to attract investors.