As January 10 recovery payments begin, Port Moresby businesses confront the consequences


Government funds to cover debris removal and business recovery have this week started to flow to businesses affected by the January 10 riots in Port Moresby. With funds for actual rebuilding still to be finalised, we talk to business leaders about the longer term consequences.

Five questions for Steve Beattie, Brian Bell Corporate Services


Imagine all the different items you need to source for a major hotel renovation. And then consider how you’d get them all to a remote part of Papua New Guinea.

Papua New Guinea’s Brian Bell retail group ‘bullish’ about 2021


espite COVID challenges, last year was a ‘fairly extraordinary year’ in terms of growth for Papua New Guinea’s Brian Bell Group. Its CEO, Cameron MacKellar, during a Business Advantage webinar, revealed the company’s plan for 2021.

Ugly duckling becomes swan: Papua New Guinea retailer Brian Bell opens K30 million shopping centre


Not even a pandemic could stop the new Gordons Plaza from opening. Brian Bell CEO Cameron McKellar talks to Business Advantage PNG about the challenges of launching in the times COVID-19.

Retail rollercoaster: Papua New Guinean retailers on wild COVID-19 ride


Demand is up, foot traffic is down and trading is restricted but Papua New Guinea’s retailers are finding a way through the country’s current lockdown – and some positive changes are here to stay, reports Paul Chai.

In brief: African swine fever reaches Papua New Guinea and other business stories


The Minister for Agriculture puts measures in place to stop the spread of the African swine fever and protect the pork industry, Prime Minister James Marape announces stimulus package and ICCC monitors shops to avoid price spikes in essential items. The business news you need to kickstart your week.

Boardroom briefing: remote working, telcos face rise in data usage


Remote workers are the future, telcos feel the work-from-home pinch and the gear you need to get the job done at home. Readings from around the world on business, leadership and coronavirus.

Papua New Guinea’s veteran retailer seeks to grow its local suppliers


Brian Bell Group is reaping the rewards of three years of infrastructure investment and using this period of profitability to grow its local partnerships.

Brian Bell Group investing heavily for growth in its 60th year, says Chairman


Diversified corporate and retail enterprise Brian Bell Group is celebrating its 60th year in 2018. Chairman Ian Clough tells Business Advantage PNG the company is investing in people, infrastructure, and new retail strategies in preparation for its next phase of growth.

Why many Papua New Guinea companies become conglomerates


Conglomerates have become rare in developed economies; the strategy of diversifying across different industry sectors tends to be punished by investors who prefer specialized players. But in Papua New Guinea industry diversification is commonly used as a way to grow.