Commodities stable but LNG weak: a monthly review of Papua New Guinea’s commodities and financial markets


Commodity prices were reasonably stable over the month and precious metals strengthened. But the weakness in Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) prices continued. Business Advantage PNG’s monthly review of Papua New Guinea commodity and financial markets.

In brief: Bank South Pacific expands into Cambodia, and other business stories


BSP enters a joint venture deal in Cambodia, management restructure planned for PNG Power, and government shelves GST rise. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.

Excess kina liquidity may open up opportunities for local companies in Papua New Guinea


The lack of availability of foreign exchange is creating imbalances within the Papua New Guinea financial system, according to a report by Kina Securities. It says there is a build up of liquidity in kina, which may have implications for the financial strategies of domestic companies.

In brief: Government seeking Budget support of US$500 million, and other business stories


Government seeking Budget support from World Bank, LNG partners seek huge savings by co-operating, Ok Tedi performing well after seven months. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.

In brief: Tenders out for Highlands Highway upgrade, and other business stories


Government puts out tenders for the first part of a K3 billion Highlands Highway upgrade, demand for foreign currency falls, and report that 31 per cent of log exports from illegal SABLs.

Trade strong but foreign exchange and budgetary pressures likely to continue, says Bank of Papua New Guinea


Papua New Guinea’s economy performed strongly on the trade front in 2016, according to the Bank of Papua New Guinea’s biannual Monetary Policy Statement. However, this did not translate into inflows of foreign exchange, and government revenues are expected to remain under pressure.

Forestry leader says PNG industry facing challenges from China


Papua New Guinea’s forestry faces fierce competition and pricing challenges, Chief Executive of the Forest Industries Association, Bob Tate, tells Business Advantage PNG. He says developments in China are troubling for the sector.

In brief: Dual citizenship a reality by March, and other business stories


Dual citizenship almost a reality, Wereh outlines the impact of climate change on road design and funding, and the cost to business of family violence revealed. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.

What the IMF says will solve PNG’s problems


The IMF’s report on Papua New Guinea has suggested that the PNG Government has responded to pressures on the budget and foreign exchange shortages. But it says that more attention should be given to the deals offered to foreign mining companies.

In brief: Further delay in start of Pacific Marine Industrial Zone, and other business stories


China wants extra loan to fund PMIZ, unions concerned about housing tax on employees, Bank PNG questions accuracy of IMF economic report. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.