BSP denies regulator’s anti-money laundering allegations


BSP Financial Group (BFL) has responded to allegations made by the Bank of Papua New Guinea’s Financial Analysis and Supervision Unit (FASU) that it was in breach of the country’s anti-money laundering laws. Meanwhile, the Bank of PNG’s Governor has distanced the central bank from the allegations made by its own unit.

Gradual devaluation of Papua New Guinea’s currency would be ‘helpful’, says banker


Papua New Guinea’s currency, the kina, has been steady this year after weakening against a number of major currencies in late 2020. Should it be devalued further? We asked Jonathan Prince, Treasurer at Westpac PNG, to consider the consequences.

In brief: Bank of Papua New Guinea to undergo review and other business stories


The Bank of Papua New Guinea to be reviewed, Porgera jobs plan, and new strategic plan for women in coffee. The business news in brief.

Lower demand sees Papua New Guinea’s agricultural exports fall


The latest figures from the Bank of Papua New Guinea reveal the negative impact of the global pandemic on PNG’s agricultural sector. Exports of all the country’s major agricultural commodities fell in the 12 months to September 2020, although the falls were partly offset by improved prices in some cases.

Economy on the mend, says Bank of Papua New Guinea Governor


The Governor of Bank of Papua New Guinea has forecast a recovery for the country’s economy of 2.5 per cent after the sharp contraction of 2020. But he says the national budget and PNG’s foreign exchange reserves will remain under pressure.

COVID silver linings: Bank of Papua New Guinea releases economic bulletin and not all is bad news


The Bank of Papua New Guinea has released its Quarterly Economic Bulletin for the March and June 2020 Quarters. It shows that the economy and government finances came under great pressure because of the COVID-19 lockdowns, but that the impact was uneven.

Diversify and conquer: what the future holds for Credit Corp in Papua New Guinea


Peter Aitsi, Group Chief Executive Officer of Credit Corporation PNG, says the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on operations. He tells Business Advantage PNG that the company is moving to a more agile digital platform and diversifying its product range.

What’s on the agenda for Papua New Guinea business in 2021?


With the Marape government surviving a challenge late last year and vaccines for the COVID-19 virus starting to emerge, Business Advantage PNG considers what business in Papua New Guinea can expect from the year ahead.

Commodities update: palm oil reverses trend, LNG soars but oil continues to weaken


LNG prices continue to surge and are now up by over a third this year. But oil prices eased and cocoa prices also fell slightly. Business Advantage PNG’s monthly review of commodity and financial markets.

Bank of Papua New Guinea revises down growth expectations


In his latest Monetary Policy Statement, the Governor of the Bank of Papua New Guinea, Loi Bakani, forecasts GDP will decline by four per cent in 2020 but rebound slightly next year. He also expressed concerns about changes to the Central Banking Act.