Opinion: How Papua New Guinea can cash in on coffee


The Papua New Guinea Highlands has the potential to see a lucrative coffee boom if only it can weather key production and price issues, argue the International Food Policy Research Institute’s Rishabh Mukerjee and colleagues.

Agriculture in Papua New Guinea: a sector profile


A profile of the agriculture sector in Papua New Guinea, including governance and legislation, key players, opportunities, challenges and incentives. 

Lae timber processing facility to fill a niche says ACIAR manager


A proposed timber processing facility near Lae is positioned to fill a niche and play an important role in the forestry industry’s future, according to Tony Bartlett, forestry research program manager at the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR).

How rural women can become Papua New Guinea’s agribusiness entrepreneurs


Women in rural Papua New Guinea are keen to engage in agribusiness but many have traditionally struggled to take leadership roles. That is beginning to change, Curtin University researcher Dr Gina Koczberski tells Business Advantage PNG.

The battle to save the Papua New Guinea cocoa industry


Despite growing demand for cocoa around the world, the industry in Papua New Guinea is in crisis, with production in East New Britain alone plummeting by 82% between 2008 and 2012. Business Advantage PNG reports on attempts to combat the pest which threatens the sector.