Permitting easier labour movement between Australia and the Pacific Islands would have a more beneficial effect that foreign aid, claim Lowy Institute researchers Leon Berkelman and Jonathan Pryke. They consider two models for how it might work.
Opinion: Improving Pacific island worker access to Australia is better than foreign aid
Papua New Guinea and Pacific to benefit from Australia’s foreign aid budget cuts
Despite cuts to foreign aid spending in this year’s Australian Federal budget, released this week, Papua New Guinea will gain an extra A$59 million (K155 million) and regional programmes also stand out as the beneficiaries from this year’s budget, according to analysts.
Australia’s relations with Papua New Guinea and the Pacific under the Abbott Government
There’s a new Liberal-National Coalition government in Canberra, led by Tony Abbott. Jenny Hayward-Jones considers the implications for Papua New Guinea and the Pacific.
Opinion: why Papua New Guinea and Fiji are expanding their friendship
A curious thing has been happening in the Pacific. Instead of running trade and investment road-shows in Australia, New Zealand or China, two Pacific Island countries have been courting investment from each other, observes Jenny Hayward-Jones.
Australian aid to Asia-Pacific region increases
Australia’s aid program will increase by 10 per cent or about A$500 million in the 2013-14 budget to a record AUD$5.7 billion—the equivalent of 0.37 per cent of gross national income (GNI).
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