2013 was a mixed year for PNG stocks. The Kina Securities Index fell by 14.9% over the year, but was largely influenced by the massive fall in value of the dual-listed Newcrest Mining, the largest company on the Port Moresby Stock Exchange (POMSoX). The Kina Securities Home Index, which excludes overseas stocks, fell only 2%.

PNG’s stock exchange performance since 2006. The red line indicates
market capitalisation; the blue the Kina Securities Index (KSi).
Credit Corporation, for example, enjoyed a steady 13.6% rise in value for its PNG-listed shares. City Pharmacy followed through on a number of expansion plans, opening a new cinema complex and penciling in a joint venture with Australian pizza franchise Eagle Boys–pushing its stock price up 22% over the course of the year.
‘Truly domestic companies had a pretty good year’
Dominic Beange, Investment Fund Manager with Kina Funds Management, says New Britain Palm Oil shares had one of the most turbulent years on the exchange.
Its major shareholder, Malaysian company Kulim, had hoped to increase its holding from 50% to 70%. However the PNG Securities Commission stepped in to block the purchase. The shares fell below both the offer price, and the pre-offer value, ending the year down 11.8%.
‘Truly domestic companies had a pretty good year,’ Beange said, adding that the beginning of LNG production this year will most likely improve related international stocks in 2014.

POMSoX’s Geoff Mason
Expanding reach
Geoff Mason, General Manager of POMSoX, says the exchange is hoping to further expand its reach over the next 12 months.
As well as encouraging new listings–Australian-listed Niuminco Group and Indochine Mining have each joined POMSoX in the last few months–he is also hoping to see a wider range of investors parking their funds with the exchange in 2014.
He says POMSoX is looking at domestic sources of capital in particular, with many local landowner and village groups looking to invest mining royalties and other community funds.
‘It’s like having a whole lot of small investor clubs around the country,’ Mason said. ‘They can get a good return by investing their pooled funds into the market.’
Emerging market funds
International emerging market funds are also being targeted; with Mason saying the lower-priced Kina is giving international investors a cheaper entry into Papua New Guinea stocks, and helping to balance what many see as an inflated sense of risk surrounding the market.
‘The huge amount of press ExxonMobil, Oil Search, and InterOil are receiving is sharpening focus on this market and will lead overseas entities to look at POMSoX.’
‘Papua New Guinea is still a frontier market, primarily for those who are prepared to step outside the mainstream markets.
‘There is reluctance among international investors to invest due to an over-perception of risk,’ says Richard Borysiewicz, Group General Manager at BSP Capital, the stockbroking and funds management arm of Bank of South Pacific.
‘However, the huge amount of press ExxonMobil, Oil Search, and InterOil are receiving is sharpening focus on this market and will lead overseas entities to look at POMSoX.’
PNG has a very good potential in agri sector. We need to diversify into rice and focus more on coffee to increase export to at least 20% GDP GROWTH per anum. As a tax payer I am of the view to retain most PNG owned businesses to boost our economy and further to create and sustain the SMEs’.