To further Queensland’s Pacific Trade Strategy, long-term Brisbane resident of Samoan descent, Leata Alaimoana, was recently appointed Trade Commissioner to key export partners across Melanesia and Polynesia, including the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Fiji, Tonga, Samoa and Papua New Guinea. She speaks with Business Advantage PNG about her new appointment and her plans to strengthen the Sunshine State’s economic presence with its closest neighbour, PNG.

Leata Alaimoana, Queensland’s inaugural Trade Commissioner for the Pacific region.
With exports into the Pacific exceeding A$1 billion (K2.38 billion) in 2021/22, it’s easy to see why Queensland, often referred to as the Pacific State, is keen to nurture its economic presence across the region.
Given that PNG alone represents around 80 per cent (A$790 million) of the state’s annual exports into the Pacific, it’s also easy to see why Alaimoana plans to invest more time encouraging bilateral trade between PNG and Queensland.
With 20 years’ experience managing projects in economic development, international trade and investment, and international affairs within the Pacific, she is no stranger to the Pacific region.
During her most recent role (a five-year stint as Impact Investment Manager for Pacific Trade Invest), she facilitated the investment of A$33 million into the 16 island member nations of the Pacific Island Forum across tourism, agriculture and professional service sectors.
Strengthening ties
While based in the Brisbane office of Trade and Investment Queensland, Alaimoana plans to visit PNG regularly.
In addition to her appointment, Trade and Investment Queensland also plans to have a Business Services Manager based in Port Moresby to drive trade and investment opportunities for Queensland and PNG businesses.
‘We see opportunities within the next 12 months to strengthen trade opportunities within key sectors like agriculture, renewables, infrastructure and the services sector.’
‘I’m thrilled to be leading the Queensland Government’s Pacific Trade Strategy… there are so many synergies and great opportunities that we can explore with Queensland’s closest neighbours,’ Alaimoana tells Business Advantage PNG.
With more Queensland companies asking Trade and Investment Queensland how they can better trade with the Pacific, Alaimoana says the timing is right to strengthen trade ties in the region.
With a generous budget of A$4.3 million over three years, Alaimoana will work in-line with ‘Team Australia’ to strengthen in-country relationships, and brand awareness is amongst her most immediate priorities.
‘We see opportunities within the next 12 months to strengthen trade opportunities within key sectors like agriculture, renewables, infrastructure and the services sector,’ says Alaimoana.
‘We plan to leverage off Business Advantage’s PNG Investment Conference here in Brisbane in August [10 and 11 at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre], where we will reinforce our status as the Pacific State.’
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