Puma Energy is starting to show its colours in Papua New Guinea, with the rebranding of its first service station following the acquisition of InterOil’s downstream assets in PNG earlier this year. It’s part of a regional investment strategy, PNG General Manager Peter Diezmann tells Business Advantage PNG.

Credit: Puma Energy
Puma Energy Corporation has laid out plans that it believes will ensure the company plays an important role in the future of Papua New Guinea’s petroleum industry.
Three months after acquiring InterOil Corporation’s downstream and refinery businesses, the company’s red and green has started to appear.
The first Puma-branded service station, located near Jackson’s International Airport in Port Moresby, reopened earlier this month and is the first of 42 stations the Singapore-based company plans to rebrand by the end of 2014.
Growth plans

Puma Energy’s Peter Diezmann
Puma Energy PNG General Manager Peter Diezmann told Business Advantage PNG the company was anticipating growth in PNG and would identify opportunities as the country continued to realise its potential as a supplier of minerals and energy.
‘The region will, however, need to see increased investments in infrastructure to support this growth,’ Diezmann suggested.
‘Puma Energy will play an important role in PNG’s growth as a major provider of reliable and competitive fuel and lubricant solutions across the country.
‘We intend to invest in the region by upgrading and expanding our current network of fuel terminals, depots, aviation facilities and retail sites, which will support the expected economic growth in PNG.’
Acquisition details
Puma Energy became the owner of the most extensive network of fuel terminals, aviation facilities and retail sites across PNG though the US$526 million deal with InterOil in July.
More than 750 employees have joined the company as a result of the deal, which involved service stations at major centres throughout the country and the Napa Napa refinery outside Port Moresby, the first refinery built in PNG.
Diezmann, previously InterOil’s General Manager—Downstream, said the acquisition of InterOil’s assets and the transition of their local employee base had been completed ‘very quickly’.
‘We feel there is a really positive attitude within the business and staff have shared great excitement about joining Puma Energy and being part of a global fuel company that wants to invest to take the business forward,’ Diezmann said.
He added that Puma Energy’s investment plans would focus on improving its refinery, fuel terminal, depot and retail operations, while providing ongoing employment opportunities through contractors and service providers.
Consistent strategy
Diezmann said Puma Energy’s ethos had been to work and partner with the communities in which it operates, as it had achieved in Africa, Central America, South East Asia and Australia.
One community initiative Puma Energy is currently developing in PNG is a graduate program which will take 15 local graduates from a variety of disciplines.
‘Each business is a long-term investment in the local community and economy, and this is why we continue to expand, develop and improve the businesses for the future,’ Diezmann explained.
Dear, Sir/madam
I really need your email address
Thank you
Sir I have ideal location for fuel service at Kerema town located before main wharf.And it’s and old fuel service station formerly used by BP oil and Shell as well.And would like to use that so how can you guys help because I want to be your fuel distributor.
Interested to purchase or lease 10000 litres tank for my fleets.
I have a vacant land that is suitable for service STATION here in the Markham Valley.,,Leron Wantoat junction.
Please advice on requirements I may need into pushing this interest.
IAM interested to go into fuel retail service station with Puma Energy.
I have a customary land strategically situated along the Okuk Highway out of Goroka town towards Lae.
It is located right at the Junction of the Lufa, Okapa, Henganofi and Kainantu Electorates.
I intend to persue this business immediately once I exit from Public Service
Your advice in this regard will be highly appreciated.
I want to venture into fuel fuel retail business.I need some advice me through this email address ;andyamuga@gmail.com
I have an ideal vacant land that is suitable for further development and I’m really interested in the idea of a fuel service station, therefore what are the necessary procedures or requirements that I must comply to?.
How can Puma Energy help me grow bigger in set up 24 hours service station in Kiunga Western
Province. Every month Iam moving two containers of fuel drums to Port Moresby and back to Kiunga
Please advice me down the rank to see
I have a piece of land at Malalaua Station which will be the satellite township of Gulf Province and a central and ideal location for further extension and development. I wish to partner with you in setting up a fuel service station on my land.
How can we partner together in this venture.
I have a big piece of land alone the Hiritano Highway in Gulf province. There are no gas stations at the moment and I would like to take up this opportunity to establish one quickly with your expertise and support. How can we partner to distribute feul to the customers. Let me know soon.
I have long term plans to be puma energy dealer specifically automative fuel and other lubricants.
I have a land title and it’s in wewak ESP. Next to Aitapr Lumi highway. Please, advice what are necessary requirements.
In reference to retail opportunities in Port Moresby (Service stations) have selections been done or still pending.
Just for information only.
Thank you.
How can l work with you to set up a new fuel service station?
Please give me some advise so we could partner to distribute fuel
I am in Benabridge along the Okuk Higway, Goroka, EHP
I need advice on how to set-up a service station in wewak. Your feedback will be greatly appreciated.
Fuel price in Vanimo is very expensive..I am an informal fuel supplier selling 5 liters container fuel to government departments and private partners supply fuel on road side. I want to buy fuel in resonable quantity from puma energy in Wewak and transport it to Aitape and by boat to Vanimo quite an expensive exercise but is a kina cheap. We are selling Indonesia fuel is contaminated fuel and caused problem to our vehicles.
Please reply to my mail by emailing me the contact address of a your sales person or rep in Wewak.
Good Morning,
Could you please give the contacts of the right officers in charge of setting up of fuel service stations. In my district there is no service station operating at the moment. And we have a big buai trade going on were the highlanders travel everyday along our highway to buy buai day & night.
Your response will be greatly appreciated.
I’m interested to find out if there is any possibility to set up a mini fuel station in Gabensis, Morobe Province, to cater for Bulolo-Wau Highway and increasing PMV business in my village. A set up of just a single tank, which I’ve seen one in Popondetta last year where a small tank is raised with cement foundation and with a single pump. I see its very convenient for my village setting.
I’m very interested and looking forward to your kind response.
Thank you.
There has been an urgent need set up a new fuel service station on my customary land very convenient location close to the main highlands highway in Wapenamanda station in Enga province. how can we negotiate to set up one there and make some good money as it is a central place for four big constituencies populated with 40 to 50 thousand people traveling to and fro and other transportations and logistics supplies transported up to Porgera gold mine?..I am willing to make an offer to this prime land for this project development. thank you>
I wish to get in touch with the regional business development manager. Please email me the contact details. Its quiet urgent. Thank you.
How can we partner to supply fuel in Buka?Please advise me a.s.a.p
How can we partner with you to supply fuel in Buka, Bougainville? Please advise me a.s.a.p
Can you help me build a service station in Madang Need advice
How can l work with you to set up a new feul service station?
Please advice lam in mt hagen
Yangga treppe