Steamships Hospitality’s commitment to excellence in Safety, Security and Hygiene awarded with Safehotels Certification


Steamships Hospitality and Coral Sea Hotels are proud to acknowledge the Grand Papua Hotel and Gateway Hotel and Apartments who both have achieved the SafeHotels Certification, the world’s leading safety and security certification.

Reception at the Grand Papua Hotel. Credit: Steamships

SafeHotels is the first independent, global Hotel Safety and Security Certification providing certification standards based on best practice, safety, security and hygiene globally.

Undertaking the immense task of SafeHotels certification illustrates Steamships Hospitality and Coral Sea Hotels’ unwavering commitment to comfort, hygiene, safety and security of both our colleagues and guests. SafeHotels is about a passion for hotels and a passion for the highest standards of safety, security and hygiene when staying in a hotel. Standards are independently set through a world leading Certification program including on-site assessments by experts with years of knowledge and understanding of hotels across the globe.

The Grand Papua is the first hotel to be certified, let alone achieving Premium status, in all of Australasia and The Pacific Islands. Gateway Hotel and Apartments have also received certification. Steamships Hospitality is now embarking on certification across all properties across Papua New Guinea.

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“We are absolutely thrilled to have achieved the certifications on the first attempt,” said Steamships Hospitality CEO, Alan Christie “On average, only one in five hotels achieve certification and even smaller achieve Premium certification in their first assessment, and I cannot commend the teams at Grand Papua Hotel and The Gateway Hotel and Apartments for their commitment over the past few months to achieving excellence.”

Patrons who choose to stay at the Grand Papua Hotel and Gateway Hotel and Apartments will now have peace of mind, that their chosen hospitality venue has undergone and completed a rigorous checklist, to ensure that all possible measures have been taken to ensure customers’ well-being, and that each hotel has thought through its Safety, Security and Hygiene programs from prevention to crisis management; setting us apart from our competitors, locally, nationally and internationally.

Steamships Limited strive for excellence with safety first, and always in all our operations.

