Join us at 10am Port Moresby time (UTC+10) on Thursday 10 September for a special online Papua New Guinea Infrastructure Update from Business Advantage PNG.
The PNG Government is looking to its international development partners to support its 20-year plan for infrastructure development.
This hour-long online briefing will review the progress of some of PNG’s major current infrastructure projects, and also outline the opportunities for future investment in PNG’s roads, power, ports, telecommunications and aviation.
This session will be essential viewing for any investor currently looking to invest in infrastructure in PNG, or businesses looking to supply products or services to existing and future infrastructure projects.
Our speakers will be:
- David Hill, the Country Director of the largest international investor in PNG infrastructure, the Asian Development Bank
- Benedict David (Head) and Robert Jauncey (Chief Investment Officer) from the recently-established A$2 billion Australian Infrastructure Finance Facility for the Pacific
To register, click here.
This free event is kindly sponsored by Westpac PNG.
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