Discover premium marketing opportunities at Paradise, IFE, digital and Innovation PNG Conference

Premium marketing opportunities: secure your spot in the 50th anniversary issue of Paradise & more
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Registrations are open for the 2023 PNG Investment Conference
Registrations are now officially open for the 2023 Business Advantage Papua New Guinea Investment Conference.
Datec PNG wins Canon Partner Awards and continues to make PNG proud
Papua New Guinea Investment Conference: new speakers announced
Advertiser: Business Advantage International Email:
Business Advantage International has announced new speakers and the final sponsors for the 2023 Papua New Guinea Investment Conference.
Tradelinked 2023 Business Delegation to PNG
The Tradelinked 2023 Business Delegation to PNG will take place from 1 to 8 November 2023.
Business breakfast: Update on the Papua LNG Project
Advertiser: Port Moresby Chamber of Commerce and Industry Email:
Join the Port Moresby Chamber of Commerce & Industry and TotalEnergies on 11 May for a breakfast with the Managing Director of TotalEnergies, Jean Marc Noiray, for an update on the Papua LNG project.
Paradise Magazine next edition closing soon
Advertiser: Business Advantage International Email:
The July/August/September edition of Air Niugini’s Paradise magazine will close for bookings on Friday 12th May.
ICTSI delivers another major milestone in Papua New Guinea
South Pacific International Container Terminal (SPICT), a unit of International Container Terminal Services, Inc (ICTSI) at the Port of Lae, is now capable of handling larger box ships after receiving and commissioning a pair of new ship-to-shore (STS) cranes, the largest port equipment in Papua New Guinea today.
From the Editor’s desk: April-June 2023
The latest issue of Paradise magazine has all you need to keep you entertained during your flight – from local weddings to sportfishing and trekking. Happy reading!
Breakfast with Digicel PNG at the Lamana Hotel
Join us for a breakfast with CEO Colin Stone of Digicel PNG at the Lamana Hotel.
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