Adaptation, Innovation and Leadership: is your business ready for the new normal?


Join us for this special live online business briefing, ‘Adaptation, Innovation and Leadership: is your business ready for the new normal?’ at 10am Port Moresby time on Thursday 22 October 2020.

Airways Hotel’s cucina does it again


Deli KC’s authentic Italian – indulge to your heart’s content. 

PNG Now – 2nd edition closing soon for Advertising Bookings


The advertising booking deadline for the second edition of PNG Now is fast approaching. Don’t miss out!

Residential communities: share your thoughts and help us help you


A proposed residential community development is underway in 7-Mile, and is influenced by a growing trend of similar communities found around the world. Share your views about residential community development and you could win a stay at Loloata Resort.

Papua New Guinea Infrastructure Update


Join us at 10am Port Moresby time (UTC+10) on Thursday 10 September for a special PNG Infrastructure Update from Business Advantage PNG.

Deli KC: you won’t believe you are not in Italy


Benvenuto! You’ve come to the right place for Italian — Deli KC.

Opportunity knocks: Tiansun Limited


Tiansun Limited is looking for potential investors to lease out land for commercial agricultural projects.

Economic update on Papua New Guinea: an online business briefing


Join us at 2pm Port Moresby time (UTC+10) on Thursday 9 July for a special Business Advantage PNG online business briefing, ‘An Economic Update on Papua New Guinea’. 

Step into Airways Hotel’s Deli KC for home-style Italian fare


Airways Hotel’s new buffet will take you right to Italy’s heart.

Ecommerce in Papua New Guinea: it’s time!


Join us on Thursday 18 June at 10am Port Moresby time (UTC+10) for a special free online business briefing, ‘Ecommerce in Papua New Guinea: its time!’ Greater internet access, improved connectivity, and new online payment technology means it’s the time for PNG business to get serious about ecommerce. Join our panel of experts to discuss […]