Opportunity knocks: Tiansun Limited


Tiansun Limited is looking for potential investors to lease out land for commercial agricultural projects.

Economic update on Papua New Guinea: an online business briefing


Join us at 2pm Port Moresby time (UTC+10) on Thursday 9 July for a special Business Advantage PNG online business briefing, ‘An Economic Update on Papua New Guinea’. 

Step into Airways Hotel’s Deli KC for home-style Italian fare


Airways Hotel’s new buffet will take you right to Italy’s heart.

Ecommerce in Papua New Guinea: it’s time!


Join us on Thursday 18 June at 10am Port Moresby time (UTC+10) for a special free online business briefing, ‘Ecommerce in Papua New Guinea: its time!’ Greater internet access, improved connectivity, and new online payment technology means it’s the time for PNG business to get serious about ecommerce. Join our panel of experts to discuss […]

Online business briefing: managing your business during PNG’s COVID-19 crisis


The advent of COVID-19 in Papua New Guinea and the imposition of a State of Emergency has presented a major challenge for business. Join us for a special online business briefing on how to manage your business during the crisis this Thursday 21 May at 10am.

Would you like lobster with your meal?


Bacchus fine-dining restaurant is offering a complimentary delicacy with any main course ordered. Indulge in lobster thermidor, compliments of the chef, with any main course ordered.

Paradise March/April 2020 now available


PNG’s most-read magazine presents a photo essay featuring breathtaking photography of Papua New Guineans.

Buffets all week long at Airways’ Vue.


Arrive with an appetite. Buffets all week long at Airways’ Vue.

Subscribe now to Papua New Guinea’s #1 ranked business media


The Business Advantage PNG online business magazine is a must-read for anyone serious about doing business in Papua New Guinea.

‘Made in PNG’ Feature – Advertising bookings closing soon


Advertising bookings are closing soon for the special feature ‘Made in PNG’.