How Sprint Networks guarantees 99% uptime for PNG enterprises


For 10 consecutive years, the #1 impediment in PNG and the Pacific Islands reported by the top 100 CEOs has been unreliable telecommunications. But that hasn’t prevented Sprint Networks from delivering outstanding data services in the Pacific with guaranteed uptimes exceeding 99%.

PNG 1000 Business Directory update: Sprint Networks


Sprint Networks has upgraded its entry to a Full Listing.

Papua New Guinea 2021 National Budget: a special online business briefing


Join us for Business Advantage PNG’s special live online briefing on Papua New Guinea’s 2021 National Budget, at 9am Port Moresby time on Thursday 19 November 2020.

Special accommodation packages at Airways Hotel


Throughout November, enjoy two outstanding accommodation offers, including a Loloata Island Resort visit and a gourmet overnight stay.

Adaptation, Innovation and Leadership: is your business ready for the new normal?


Join us for this special live online business briefing, ‘Adaptation, Innovation and Leadership: is your business ready for the new normal?’ at 10am Port Moresby time on Thursday 22 October 2020.

Airways Hotel’s cucina does it again


Deli KC’s authentic Italian – indulge to your heart’s content. 

PNG Now – 2nd edition closing soon for Advertising Bookings


The advertising booking deadline for the second edition of PNG Now is fast approaching. Don’t miss out!

Residential communities: share your thoughts and help us help you


A proposed residential community development is underway in 7-Mile, and is influenced by a growing trend of similar communities found around the world. Share your views about residential community development and you could win a stay at Loloata Resort.

Papua New Guinea Infrastructure Update


Join us at 10am Port Moresby time (UTC+10) on Thursday 10 September for a special PNG Infrastructure Update from Business Advantage PNG.

Deli KC: you won’t believe you are not in Italy


Benvenuto! You’ve come to the right place for Italian — Deli KC.