Final program announced for PNG Investment Conference


The final program has been announced for the Business Advantage PNG Investment Conference.

Buisness Advantage PNG Investment Conference 2024 - Brisbane, 12 and 13 August

This annual event, taking place in Brisbane 12–13 August, is PNG’s investment promotion conference, showcasing business and investment opportunities across the economy to a global audience.

It is renowned for its engaging program and high calibre of speakers.

This year’s roster is headlined by one of Asia’s most sought-after futurists, Chris Riddell. Chris is an award-winning and inspirational speaker on digital futures, including Artificial Intelligence.

Technology will be a theme this year. KPMG’s cyber-security Matt Dri (who you may have seen at Innovation PNG last year) will be presenting on Day 2, together with the heads of PNG Dataco and Vodafone PNG. Meanwhile, delegates will be able to experience the exciting potential of Virtual Reality first-hand, thanks to a VR simulator, sponsored by TE PNG.

Other hot topics include PNG’s pipeline of new resources projects, infrastructure and business financing, and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance). We’ll also be receiving updates on PNG’s economy and investment trends, and learning about some key investment case studies.

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The conference attracts some of the most dynamic companies in the Asia-Pacific, as well as government and global institutional investors. Delegates range from key industry thought-leaders, to company heads, senior executives, investors and board members.

To view the final program click here.
To register for this event click here.

