Search Results for: Papua LNG

PICSA Group CEO expects second Papua New Guinea LNG plant to boost company growth


We’re the biggest company in Papua New Guinea you’ve never heard of, according to John Uthmann, CEO of PICSA Group PNG, and we are aiming to grow bigger.

LNG sales drives massive rise in Papua New Guinea exports in 2014


Exports from Papua New Guinea rose 64 per cent in value during 2014 to K21,903.6 million, largely due to the start of LNG production, according to the Bank of Papua New Guinea.

Selecting sites for second Papua New Guinea LNG plant ‘difficult’, says Total’s Philippe Blanchard


The selection of the two key sites to develop Papua New Guinea’s Elk Antelope LNG fields was a difficult task, requiring a full set of studies to reach a decision, according to Philippe Blanchard, the Managing Director of Total PNG, the lead operator of the project.

Papua New Guinea’s second LNG processing site to be located near first LNG site


The partners in Papua New Guinea’s second LNG plant have chosen Caution Bay as the processing site for the Elk-Antelope project, paving the way for close cooperation with the nearby ExxonMobil PNG LNG venture.

Analysis: fall in LNG prices prompts call for Papua New Guinea mini-Budget


The impact of the fall in LNG prices since the 2015 Budget was prepared in October last year warrants a mid-year mini-Budget, according to prominent economist Paul Flanagan.

Opinion: falling LNG revenues require a new strategy for the Papua New Guinea economy


The fall in global oil and gas prices will reduce the Papua New Guinea government’s revenue by at least K1.1 billion in 2016. A new Budget strategy is needed, argue economists Stephen Howe and Paul Flanagan, who suggest a solution may lie in the government selling its Oil Search shares.

InterOil chief positive about Papua New Guinea’s role as LNG provider, despite oil prices fall


Papua New Guinea is well positioned to benefit from rising LNG demand, despite falling prices, says InterOil Managing Director, Michael Hession.

Concept for Papua New Guinea’s second LNG project set for June release, says Total’s MD


Last week, independent arbitration upheld InterOil’s decision to sell a gross 40% shareholding in the Elk-Antelope LNG project to French super major, Total SA. Total’s Managing Director in PNG, Philippe Blanchard, talks exclusively to Business Advantage PNG about the arbitration result and Total’s plans for the project.

Papua New Guinea’s PNG LNG project: who gets the money?


The first shipment of gas from Papua New Guinea’s PNG LNG project has left for Japan this week, highlighting the potential billions of dollars of income for the project’s partners. Business Advantage PNG looks at where that income will go.

Papua New Guinea to join the top dozen LNG exporters


The first shipment of Papua New Guinea’s LNG exports is due to get underway mid-year, marking the country’s entry to this growing global energy industry. With the prospect of second and third LNG projects, where will PNG fit in to the global LNG market?