Search Results for: Papua LNG

‘Modest’ gas find in Gulf of Papua – Oil Search


Oil Search has reported that while it has discovered only ‘modest’ quantities of natural gas during a new exploration campaign in the Gulf of Papua, it will continue drilling in the area.

Papua New Guinea Government unfazed by foreign borrowing despite central bank concerns


The Bank of Papua New Guinea argues that the government should fund its spending plans from the domestic banking system. Meanwhile, the government is ramping up its borrowing from foreign sources. Who is right?

Papua New Guinea bucket list: Walindi Plantation Resort


Nestled in PNG’s Kimbe Bay in West New Britain, Walindi Plantation Resort is a gem for divers eager to encounter some of the most beautiful, unspoiled coral reefs in the world. Sonja Heydeman learns more, as part of our ongoing tour of some of PNG’s leading tourist locations.

The impact of a declining Papua New Guinea currency


Papua New Guinea’s currency, the kina, has lost around eight percent of its value against the US dollar over the past 12 months. What does this mean for business?

Upturn forecast in Papua New Guinea domestic tourism


The Australia/New Zealand representative for PNG’s Tourism Promotion Authority predicts strong growth in domestic tourism, anticipating a drop in travel costs and increased marketing of PNG’s natural scenic spots. Sonja Heydemann reports.

Interview: Ties between Cairns and Papua New Guinea growing, says Charlton


The Chairman of Advance Cairns, Cam Charlton, explains why the commercial ties between Cairns and PNG are going from strength to strength.

Papua New Guinea turns to the private sector for electricity


Power outages may become a distant memory, with Papua New Guinea’s power generation capacity set to double in coming years, largely due to increased investment from the private sector.

Osaka Gas becomes third Japanese company to buy into Papua New Guinea gas


Japanese investment in Papua New Guinea’s gas resources has increased, with Japan’s second largest gas company buying a 40% stake in Australia’s Horizon Oil, which has an interest in several PNG petroleum leases.

Inflation to rise in Papua New Guinea during ‘vulnerable’ period: Kina Securities


The next six months is a ‘highly vulnerable period’, according to the latest market outlook from Papua New Guinea finance company and stockbroker, Kina Securities Ltd.

Interview: price falls could stall Papua New Guinea’s minerals sector, says Aopi


The new President of Papua New Guinea’s Chamber of Mines and Petroleum is concerned about the impact of falling commodity prices. Smaller profits may see some of PNG’s resources projects put on the backburner, he warns Business Advantage PNG.