Search Results for: Papua LNG

Papua New Guinea currency may fall another 10 per cent: ANZ


The value of the Papua New Guinea’s currency, the kina, is expected to fall as much as ten per cent over the coming year, after stabilising for the last two months, according to Lead Pacific Economist at ANZ Bank, Daniel Wilson.

What’s on the agenda for Papua New Guinea business in 2014?


The coming year looks promising for Papua New Guinea business, with the giant PNG LNG project due to commence gas exports, and further investments looking likely. Meanwhile, eyes are on the O’Neill Government to see how it can improve the operating environment for business. Business Advantage PNG looks ahead to consider what 2014 may bring.

Mining and petroleum in Papua New Guinea face contrasting fortunes, says Chamber head


Next week’s Papua New Guinea Mining and Petroleum Seminars in Port Moresby will highlight the increasing divergence in fortunes of PNG’s mining and petroleum sectors, according to Greg Anderson, Executive Director of the Papua New Guinea Chamber of Mines and Petroleum.

Making money out of Papua New Guinea’s waste


Professional waste management is an emerging service industry in Papua New Guinea. Business Advantage PNG spoke to Kori Chan of Total Waste Management, which is bringing world class waste disposal standards to PNG.

Still growth in Papua New Guinea’s economy, but easing, says new Nambawan Super CEO


The new Chief Executive Officer of Papua New Guinea’s largest superannuation fund has hit the ground running. Business Advantage PNG met up with Garry Tunstall to discover his plans for Nambawan Super.

2014 Papua New Guinea Budget ‘steady as she goes’


Economic analysts have welcomed the 2014 Budget, commending the government for its emphasis on implementing projects it announced last year.

Government, economists see positives in falling kina for Papua New Guinea


Government ministers and influential economic analysts have welcomed the recent fall in the value of the kina, saying it will boost demand for exports.

InterOil announcement on Elk Antelope LNG project ‘very, very close’


Interoil expects to announce a ‘major transformational deal’ by the end of 2013 to develop the Papua New Guinea’s second LNG plant, according to recently appointed CEO Michael Hession.

Interview: Eoin Blackwell, AAP’s last correspondent to Papua New Guinea


After nearly years, the Australian Associated Press news agency has closed its Papua New Guinea office. We asked AAP’s departing correspondent to reflect on his two-year tour of duty.

In brief: Bank of Papua New Guinea governor not worried by kina’s fall and other stories


Bank governor unfazed by kina fall, O’Neill welcomes Chinese investment, Morauta says deportation indicates climate of fear, and other local and regional stories.