Search Results for: Papua LNG

Relief in sight for Papua New Guinea businesses wanting foreign exchange, says BSP CEO


There is some relief ahead for businesses struggling to access foreign exchange, according to the CEO of the country’s biggest bank, BSP. Robin Fleming says investment in the mining and petroleum sector and a new Sovereign Bond are the keys to boosting foreign exchange inflows.

2016 will bring pressure on Papua New Guinea government finances and currency, says Asian Development Bank


Papua New Guinea will find itself in a tight fiscal situation in 2016, according to the latest analysis by the Asian Development Bank’s economists. While more efficient public spending could yield large savings, they suggest more may need to be done to arrest the downward pressure on the currency.

Papua New Guinea business sees light at the end of the tunnel


In spite of the talk about an economic slowdown in 2016, Papua New Guinea’s capital, Port Moresby, is a city where plenty is still happening as 2015 comes to a close. Business Advantage International’s Andrew Wilkins reflects on recent discussions with Papua New Guinea business leaders.

Papua New Guinea mining and petroleum conference to emphasise need for stability: Chamber


Regulatory stability, and how industry and Government can work together to deliver ‘shared benefits’ will be key themes of next week’s Papua New Guinea Mining and Petroleum Seminar in Port Moresby, according to PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum Executive Director, Greg Anderson.

More oil and gas mergers and acquisitions could impact Papua New Guinea, say analysts


Two major takeover offers involving leading companies operating in Papua New Guinea’s oil and gas industry have emerged in recent months. Business Advantage PNG spoke to oil and gas analysts about what this mergers and acquisitions activity means for the sector.

Reaction to Papua New Guinea’s 2016 Budget: necessary cuts but still some challenges, say experts


The Papua New Guinea Government has made tough decisions in its 2016 Budget to avoid a cash and macroeconomic crisis. Business Advantage PNG talks to some experts on how the budget measured up to expectations, and what is still needed.

Five questions for: Arthur Lenoir, Leader of the French Trade Delegation to Papua New Guinea


The entry of the global French-based energy giant, Total SA, has prompted the first French-only trade delegation to Papua New Guinea, which will visit Port Moresby and Lae next week. Delegation Leader, Arthur Lenoir, explains the rationale for the trip to Business Advantage PNG.

In brief: Treasurer says Papua New Guinea government showing responsible fiscal management, and other business stories


Treasurer Patrick Pruaitch denies Budget blowout, Kumul Petroleum to evaluate methanol plant and small rise in inbound tourism. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.

World Bank says Papua New Guinea needs to avoid a possible ballooning budget deficit


A World Bank report says Papua New Guinea government spending should be curbed to avoid a possible ballooning budget deficit.

In brief: Redundancies at Petromin Papua New Guinea after oil price slump, and other business news.


Redundancies at Petromin Holdings ahead of restructure, LNG price slump may go further, and Santos confident its share price will rise. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.