Search Results for: Papua LNG

Papua New Guinea’s banks face high economic risks, reflecting debt and resource reliance, says ratings agency, S&P Global


The economic risks faced by the three main commercial banks in Papua New Guinea are very high, says ratings agency S&P Global Ratings. But Associate Director Andrew Mayes tells Business Advantage PNG, credit risk is ‘well-managed’.

Papua New Guinea interest rates likely to remain stable and inflation to fall, say research groups


Interest rates are likely to remain at 6.26 per cent for the rest of 2017, and inflationary pressures are expected to moderate, according to the latest economic analysis by Singapore-based BMI Research, a unit of Fitch Group.

Releasing more land key to increasing Papua New Guinea home ownership


Demand for housing in Papua New Guinea is strong but there is a shortage of supply, according to the latest survey by Hausples, a Port Moresby-based real estate technology company.

Economic update: positive signs for Papua New Guinea economy despite weak commodity prices


The fall in global commodity prices has had a negative impact on Papua New Guinea’s economy. However, as Andrew Wilkins discovers in his annual economic update on PNG, adjustments have been made and 2017 looks likely to be a year of preparation for better times.

Higher commodity prices the key to improving Papua New Guinea credit ratings, says Standard & Poor’s Global Ratings


High debt and deficit levels are why the ratings agency S&P has kept its Papua New Guinea country rating at B+/B, with a negative outlook. S&P Director, Craig Michaels, tells Business Advantage PNG higher commodity prices are the key to lifting the rating.

Papua New Guinea using multiple energy sources to meet growing need


Papua New Guinea is taking a multi-pronged approach to its energy provision. Business Advantage PNG takes a look at the nation’s approach to meeting its power needs.

Total close to decision on cooperation with PNG LNG plant, says MD Blanchard


The operator of the second Papua New Guinea LNG project says overcoming technical and environmental issues will determine if Total joins the existing PNG LNG trains. Managing Director, Philippe Blanchard, says a decision will be made within the next 5-6 months.

Trade strong but foreign exchange and budgetary pressures likely to continue, says Bank of Papua New Guinea


Papua New Guinea’s economy performed strongly on the trade front in 2016, according to the Bank of Papua New Guinea’s biannual Monetary Policy Statement. However, this did not translate into inflows of foreign exchange, and government revenues are expected to remain under pressure.

Cocoa surges but oil and gas prices remain weak: a monthly review of Papua New Guinea commodity and financial markets


The big mover this month was the cocoa price which was up 6.6 per cent for the month according to Kina Securities. Otherwise commodity prices moved sideways or weakened. Business Advantage PNG’s monthly overview of commodity and financial markets.

Unrest poses threat to investment in Papua New Guinea says report


An increase in the number of protests, blockades, and inter-clan rivalry in Papua New Guinea poses ‘downside risks’ to Papua New Guinea’s economic growth recovery, according to a report by BMI Research, a subsidiary of the Fitch Ratings Agency. It warns it could lead to delays or cancellations of investment projects.