Search Results for: Papua LNG

Oil Search share sale represents a win for Papua New Guinea, says analyst


PNG Government-owned company Kumul Petroleum Holdings has sold its 10 per cent stake in Oil Search, with KPH Managing Director Wapu Sonk reportedly saying it lost A$322 million (K812 m) on the sale. However, stockmarket analyst David Lennox says overall the country has benefited from the process.

Papua New Guinea Investment Conference ‘a resounding success’


The Business Advantage Papua New Guinea Investment Conference was held last week in Sydney, successfully showcasing the nation’s potential as an investment destination and canvassing different views from the business community about the opportunities and challenges. A clear picture of the country’s—and the Pacific region’s—great untapped potential emerged.

Maru says Papua New Guinea must aim at import replacement in agriculture


The Papua New Guinea government will establish an equity fund to invest in the agriculture sector, according to Richard Maru, Minister for National Planning and Monitoring. He tells Business Advantage PNG that replacing food imports with domestic production is a priority.

Papua New Guinea investment company plans to turn sea water into fresh water, and expand fruit and vegetable markets


A Papua New Guinea investment company is hoping to build two solar energy projects which will turn sea water into fresh water as well as extend the life of local fresh fruit and vegetables. PBF Agro Business General Manager Jerry Kootz Simon explains to Business Advantage PNG.

In brief: Bank of Papua New Guinea to provide US$100m to ease forex pressure and other business stories


Central bank to ease forex pressures with US$100m, new Lands Minister promises to clean up corruption in his department, and the cost of childhood malnutrition estimated at K1.6 billion annually. Your weekly digest of the latest business news

Oil prices weaker but copper up sharply: a monthly review of Papua New Guinea’s commodities and financial markets


Oil prices have weakened, but copper has had an upwards run. Business Advantage PNG’s monthly review of Papua New Guinea commodity and financial markets.

Papua New Guinea ‘low risk’ for foreign investors says head of Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Papua New Guinea is a ‘low risk’ country for foreign investors, according to John Leahy, President of the Papua New Guinea Chamber of Commerce and Industry. But he tells Business Advantage PNG that it is important to prepare thoroughly in order to be a successful investor.

Papua New Guinea government needs a revenue strategy says Treasury Secretary


The Papua New Guinea Government needs to look at raising more revenue, as well as keeping its expenditure under control, according to Dairi Vele, Secretary of the Department of Treasury.

Aviation and maritime industries in Papua New Guinea to address new emissions rules


Ocean freight and air freight services, both in and out of Papua New Guinea, will be required to ensure they are compliant with future emissions reductions requirements. Rensie Panda, Lead Climate Change Negotiator at the Climate Change & Development Authority, tells Business Advantage PNG what to expect.

Oil prices recover and coffee and cocoa up: a monthly review of Papua New Guinea’s commodity and financial markets


Oil prices have recovered and coffee and cocoa are both strong. Business Advantage PNG’s monthly review of Papua New Guinea commodity and financial markets.