Search Results for: Papua LNG

Gulf Province: Papua New Guinea Business Guide


Gulf Province is located on Papua New Guinea’s southern coast. It has a concave coastline of large deltas that lead into the Lakekamu Basin, and has mountains and wide expanses of seasonally flooded grass plains stretching out from the Turama, Kikori, Purari and Vailala rivers. The province has about 500 kilometres of roads, mainly along the eastern coast and mountains.

Western Province: Papua New Guinea Business Guide


Western Province is the largest province in Papua New Guinea by area. It shares a land border with the Indonesian province of Papua and a sea border with Australia. There are several large rivers that run through the province, including the Fly River, PNG’s biggest, and the Strickland and Ok Tedi Rivers. Lake Murray, PNG’s largest lake, is also in the province.

Southern Highlands Province: Papua New Guinea Business Guide


Southern Highlands Province has lush, high valleys sandwiched between limestone peaks. Most of the natural vegetation is rainforest, with alpine woods and grasslands above 3000 metres. Swamps occur at all levels.

National Capital District: Papua New Guinea Business Guide


The National Capital District (NCD) is Port Moresby. It is both a city and a district and the gateway to Papua New Guinea – the nation’s capital, centre of politics, trade and commerce. The city, which has become a growing and bustling metropolitan area, is dry, dusty and brown duringthe winter months, but is wet, humid and overgrown in summer. It is located on the southern coast of the country, surrounded by part of Fairfax Harbour.

Hela Province: Papua New Guinea Business Guide


Hela is a smaller province of Papua New Guinea, comprising three districts previously part of Southern Highlands Province. It is home to the Huli Wigmen, who are internationally recognised for their distinctive face paint and elaborate wigs made from human hair.

Central Province: Papua New Guinea Business Guide


Central Province occupies the southern side of the Owen Stanley Ranges and the area of coast from Bereina in the north, to Gaire Village in the south. The entire National Capital District sits within the province’s boundaries and Port Moresby doubles as the capital of Central. Its proximity to the National Capital District, has led to significant infrastructure development in the province.

Third Papua New Guinea Petroleum & Energy Summit to Focus on Regional Collaboration


Collaboration between Papua New Guinea’s Petroleum and Energy Sector will be the theme of the third CWC Papua New Guinea Petroleum and Energy Summit. The event will feature updates and discussions on expansion opportunities in the country’s energy sector.

Economic update: Papua New Guinea’s economy gathers pace


After years of low growth, the Pacific’s largest economy is looking to benefit from new resources and infrastructure investment—plus a dividend from hosting APEC 2018. Business Advantage PNG’s Andrew Wilkins talks with Papua New Guinea’s business leaders about the year ahead.

Commodities: LNG prices down, oil prices steady and coffee up


In the agribusiness sector coffee prices have risen, while prices in the hydrocarbons sector are largely unchanged, and metals prices are steady or lower. Business Advantage PNG’s monthly review of Papua New Guinea commodities and financial markets.

Papua New Guinea’s foreign exchange and budget situation improving, says central bank Governor


The Governor of the Bank of Papua New Guinea, Loi Bakani, says the foreign exchange market is on track to return to normalcy. In an exclusive interview with Business Advantage PNG, he says the PNG LNG project has begun paying taxes for the first time, which is improving the Government’s budgetary position.