Search Results for: Papua LNG

Boardroom briefing: who’s about to leave your business, new competition for LNG and social media in PNG


How to tell when your star employees are about to quit, PNG gets competition from China and Russia, and what 549,000 Papua New Guineans did last month. Readings from around the world on business, leadership and management.

Technology the key to Papua New Guinea ports’ improved efficiency


Papua New Guinea’s major ports of Port Moresby and Lae have achieved significant efficiencies. In this exclusive interview with Business Advantage PNG, ICTSI Chief Executive Officer Anil Singh outlines the opportunities to grow both ports.

2020 Budget aims to boost Papua New Guinea’s infrastructure and SMEs


The Papua New Guinea Government has tabled its 2020 Budget, forecasting a big deficit designed to stimulate growth in the non-resources sector of the economy.

Oil strong, LNG falls but palm oil jumps sharply [commodities]


Oil and palm oil prices have strengthened but LNG continues to fall. Business Advantage PNG’s monthly review of Papua New Guinea commodities and financial markets.

Gas and petroleum in Papua New Guinea: a sector profile


A profile of the gas and petroleum sector in Papua New Guinea, including information on licensing and taxation, key players and major projects.

The clock is ticking on P’nyang negotiations in Papua New Guinea [Opinion]


As negotiations between Papua New Guinea’s State Negotiating Team and the developers of the P’nyang gas project draw to a head this week, the Institute of National Affairs’ Paul Barker reflects on the challenge of reaching an agreement that ensures the country’s gas resources deliver tangible benefits.

Subscribe now to Papua New Guinea’s #1 ranked business media


Are you getting the full story on PNG business? The Business Advantage PNG online business magazine is a must-read for anyone serious about doing business in Papua New Guinea.

Papua New Guinea’s economy remains broadly positive despite slow economic growth forecast for 2020


Economists have cut forecasts for Papua New Guinea’s 2020 GDP growth but there is a consensus that the slowing will only prove to be temporary. David James explores three new views of PNG’s economy in 2020 and beyond.

Fiji and Papua New Guinea should strengthen economic ties, says ANZ economist


Papua New Guinea could be on the cusp of a sustained period of strong economic growth, and Fiji should be seeking closer economic ties, says Kishti Sen, International Economist for the ANZ Banking Group, in an exclusive interview with Business Advantage PNG.

Ports and shipping in Papua New Guinea: a sector profile


A sector profile of public and private ports, and shipping services, in Papua New Guinea, including coastal shipping and container services.