Search Results for: Papua LNG

In brief: Papua New Guinea and Australia sign economic partnership agreement and other business stories


Papua New Guinea and Australia sign economic partnership agreement, seafood venture for New Ireland, and K200 million for SMEs still on its way. The business news you need to kickstart your week.

Metals, coffee and oil rebound: a silver lining for Papua New Guinea’s commodity and financial markets


The silver price takes off and LNG also surges. Coffee is also up sharply and oil is steady. Business Advantage PNG’s monthly overview of commodity and financial markets.

Papua New Guinea’s Sovereign Wealth Fund


An overview of Papua New Guinea’s planned sovereign wealth fund.

Employment in Papua New Guinea


An overview of employment in Papua New Guinea, including formal/informal sector employment, employment figures by industry, regional factors, and relevant organisations.

New agriculture tariffs put Papua New Guinean jobs at risk, says NBPOL CEO


The timing of new tariffs affecting Papua New Guinea’s agriculture sector could not come at a worse time, according to the CEO of the country’s largest employer, New Britain Palm Oil.

Papua New Guinea needs to remain investor-friendly [opinion]


Regulatory uncertainty has the potential to deter investors just when Papua New Guinea needs them most, argues Paul Barker, Executive Director of the Institute of National Affairs.

What the International Monetary Fund is doing in Papua New Guinea


With Papua New Guinea’s government debt set to rise to over 40 per cent of GDP due of the COVID-19 crisis, the International Monetary Fund’s PNG Mission Chief, Scott Roger, explains how the IMF is helping the country get back on a sustainable financial course.

Papua New Guinea heading for negative growth this year, says World Bank


Presenting the latest World Bank economic update for Papua New Guinea, PNG country economist Ilyas Sarsenov says its government has responded well to the challenges of COVID-19 but hard choices lie ahead.

Ripple effects: how the global pandemic is affecting oil and gas in Papua New Guinea


The COVID-19 crisis has profoundly shaken the global oil and gas industry. With the medium term picture for LNG prices likely to heavily impact PNG’s economy and government finances, Business Advantage PNG looks at the sector’s prospects.

Fair split: finding an oil and gas model that works in Papua New Guinea


Papua New Guinea is making changes to its approach to oil and gas projects, suggesting the country gets a worse share of revenues than other comparable nations. John Chambers, General Manager of Santos, considers some of the options used internationally.