Search Results for: Papua LNG

In brief: Barrick urges Papua New Guinea to complete all processes to reopen Porgera and other business stories


Barrick’s CEO addresses delays in the reopening of Porgera mine, rice farming potentially back on the table after a visit from a Filipino delegation and PNG LNG’s contribution to the State. Your business news in brief.

Exclusive: Kerenga Kua on Papua New Guinea’s planned petroleum and gas reforms


Papua New Guinea is planning to move to a production sharing regime for petroleum and gas by the middle of the decade. Business Advantage PNG caught up with Minister for Petroleum Kerenga Kua, to better understand why the reforms are happening, and what industry can expect.

Opinion: How exposed is Papua New Guinea’s economy to a tiny cluster of companies?


Papua New Guinea relies heavily on a limited number of taxpayers. Paul Barker, Executive Director of industry-funded think tank, the Institute of National Affairs, considers the implications for government expenditure and PNG’s foreign exchange situation.

In brief: Barrick urges Papua New Guinea to complete all processes to reopen Porgera and other business stories


Barrick’s CEO addresses delays in the reopening of Porgera mine, rice farming potentially back on the table after a visit from a Filipino delegation and PNG LNG’s contribution to the State. Your business news in brief.

2023: what can Papua New Guinea business expect from the year ahead?


Business Advantage PNG looks to the year ahead and considers what Papua New Guinea-focused businesses can expect in the coming 12 months.

Analysis: Is Papua New Guinea’s economic bust over?


Is Papua New Guinea’s economy set for its next boom? Devpolicy’s Stephen Howes and Alyssa Leng examine the signs of a turnaround.

Papua New Guinea’s Treasurer announces largest Budget ever for 2023


The first National Budget of the returned Marape Government predicts record government revenues and expenditure in 2023, with significant increases in spending on infrastructure, law and order, education and health.

Marape flags new resources regime for Papua New Guinea


Opening the 16th Papua New Guinea Mining and Petroleum Investment Conference in Sydney, Prime Minister James Marape has warned investors that changes are coming to Papua New Guinea’s resources regime.

Papua New Guinea’s resources sector to gather in Sydney


Next month’s 16th Papua New Guinea Mining and Petroleum Investment Conference in Sydney (5 to 7 December) will mark the event’s return for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic. Business Advantage PNG previews what to expect.

Papua New Guinea’s Sovereign Wealth Fund: the clock is ticking [analysis]


Is it now or never for Papua New Guinea’s Sovereign Wealth Fund? Alyssa Leng and Stephen Howes of the Australian National University’s Development Policy Centre tell us what could be lost if PNG doesn’t act now.