The telecom giant Huawei has been blacklisted by the United States, the South Pacific Tourism Organisation has released a positive tourism report for the Pacific region and Australia’s re-elected Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, announces ‘Pacific Step-up.’ Your weekly digest of business news.
After the US added telecom manufacturer Huawei to its trade blacklist, Google blocked Huawei Technologies’ access to Android updates.
It’s been reported that chip manufacturers have cut off supplies to the telecom company. According to The Guardian, ‘Huawei will continue to have access to the version of the Android operating system available through the open source licence that is free for anyone who wishes to use it.’
The re-elected Prime Minister of Australia, Scott Morrison, is reportedly moving quickly to make the Pacific his top strategic priority, making his first post election overseas trip to the Solomon Islands next week. According to the ABC, the visit is seen as a bid to counter growing Chinese influence as Morrison continues to focus on what he calls Australia’s ‘Pacific step-up’.
The South Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO) has released its 2019–2024 Pacific Tourism Forecast. According to the document, tourism in the Pacific has grown—a 2 per cent growth in international tourism in the Pacific means that 2.14 million people visited the country in 2018, that is 38,941 more than in 2017. The report is optimistic and suggest that the Pacific will have a ‘sustained 3.3 per cent on average, tourism growth for 2019–2014.’
The Agriculture Park project is set to be introduced in Eastern Highlands and Western Highlands provinces. The project aims to help to develop the agriculture sector in PNG. ‘As part of laying of the foundations of the growth sector, government has and will introduce policies to address impediments to growths,’ Benny Allen, Minister for Agriculture and Livestock reportedly said during the Coffee Symposium in Port Moresby. (The National)
A new finance product has been launched in East New Britain Province. The agriculture value chain credit is a partnership between Papua New Guinea Agriculture Company (PNGAC), MiBank and PNG Cocoa Board. During its launch PNGAC Chief Executive, Brad Jackson, said ‘the new product would now help farmers to access loans and buy seeds, tools and other inputs to grow their crops.’ (Post Courier)

Bill Easson, Oil Search General Manager for Drilling and Completion shakes hands with Hamish Noble, Halliburton PNG Country Manager. Credit: Oil Search
Oil Search and Halliburton have partnered to develop a training program for recent graduates. The program aims to help Papua New Guineans develop key skills to join the oil industry. (Post Courier)
The Porgera mine lease expires on August 17 this year; and last week, more than 140 landowners from seven different clans got together at Porgera station to show their support for the mine’s lease renewal application. (The National)
It’s been reported that Minister Benny Allen said the Department of Agriculture and Livestock will review its policies, including the Coffee Act. PNG produces fewer than one million bags of coffee beans per year and exports to 34 countries. ‘This is an indication of the uniqueness of our coffee loved and enjoyed by consumers in those countries,’ Allen said. ‘We have to look outside and promote PNG coffee.’ (The National)
Despite the many challenges farmers face, PNG cocoa exports generate about K360 a year, said Cocoa Board Chief Executive Boto Gaupu. He reported that Morobe has increased its production from 800 tonnes to 5000 tonnes annually and according to the newspaper The National, suggested ‘the board wanted to ensure farmers produced cocoa in a sustainable manner taking into consideration farm management, fermentation and drying processes.’ (The National)
Last week, Peter O’ Neill welcomed the new High Commissioner of New Zealand to PNG, Philip Taula and his family. (Papua New Guinea Today)
Video of the week
The Asian Development Bank has released a video highlighting the importance of banking for women living in rural areas in PNG.
Banking the Unbanked: How #PapuaNewGuinea's Rural Women are Securing their #FinancialIndependence#FinancialInclusion
— Asian Development Bank (@ADB_HQ) May 21, 2019
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