This month, Papua New Guinea’s Parliament passed the Cybercrime Code Act, which applies to defamation, cybersecurity, spam, hacking, forgery and computer fraud. Zinnia Dawidi, a lawyer specialising in IT & Telecommunications law, outlines the implications for businesses and individuals.

ICT lawyer Zinnia Dawidi
The formulation and drafting of Papua New Guinea’s law on Cybercrime was commenced in 2011 as part of a general drive within the Pacific region to reform and develop the region’s ICT laws. The aim was to achieve enhanced uniformity and harmonisation with the global community.
Papua New Guinea is one of the last countries in the region to legislate and is many, many years behind the wider international community.
‘In terms of Cybersecurity … the most important provisions relate to cyber attack … This criminalises attacks on critical infrastructure’
The Cybercrime Code Act 2016 criminalises many activities:
- hacking;
- cyber bullying;
- child online grooming;
- unlawful advertising;
- cyber harassment (which includes, cyber stalking and the use of profanities);
- electronic fraud (covering bank fraud);
- forgery;
- gambling by children;
- identity theft;
- unlawful disclosure (the unlawful publication of private and confidential data and sensitive personal data alike);
- infringement of intellectual property rights such as trademarks, copyright, patents and industrial designs;
- the production, possession and publication of child pornography and animal pornography;
- the production and publication of (adult) pornography;
- the design and distribution of illegal devices and many other technical offences.
In terms of Cybersecurity (which over arches Cybercrime), the most important provisions relate to cyber attack (known in some jurisdictions as ‘cyber warfare’). This criminalises attacks on critical infrastructure such as our national power grid, water supply, LNG plant, air services and health systems.
Defamation criminalised
Member countries were left to decide whether or not to criminalise defamation. Under PNG’s existing Defamation Act, the only provisions criminalizing defamatory publications related to members of Parliament.
Every other citizen had to resort to a claim for damages under the civil jurisdiction of the court.
In the interests of justice, and in light of the exorbitant costs one must inevitably incur when bringing a civil claim for defamation, it was decided that the criminal provisions should be made available to everyone—member of parliament and ordinary citizen alike.
‘The legal principles governing defamation are maintained: the defences of truth, fair comment, good faith and public interest benefit are available.’
Defamatory publications are now also criminalised. Previously, one could only be charged criminally for defaming a member of Parliament. Every other citizen had to resort to the civil jurisdiction of the court. This meant that there was no point in taking any action for redress against a penniless person for defaming you.
Under the new Act you will now be able to file a criminal complaint for defamation against a poor person for some redress—and you don’t have to be a member of parliament to do that.
The legal principles governing defamation are maintained. The defences of truth, fair comment, good faith and public interest benefit are available to anyone who finds himself on the wrong end of the new Act.
Service providers’ liability
ICT service providers such as Web masters or administrators may be held criminally responsible for a defamatory publication by a user if they are found to have negligently allowed, or enabled, the publication complained of.
Under the Act, ICT service providers (ISPs, telcos, etc) would attract criminal liability if they actively monitor the use of their services by subscribers in the absence of a court order; or where, due to their negligence, such unauthorised monitoring is conducted by an employee.
Monitoring is only to be authorized by the court through a specifically termed court order under strictly prescribed guidelines and supervision by the court.
‘It is now possible to admit into court evidence derived from mobile phones.’
The Act also prescribes certain procedural tools to enable law enforcement to obtain, preserve and protect electronic evidence from being manipulated or tampered with. Procedures for search and the provision of assistance to law enforcement are also provided for.
The new law necessitated some amendments, perhaps the most notable of which relates to the Evidence Act. These were primarily to enable the admissibility of electronic evidence which was previously not possible.
It is now possible to admit into court evidence derived from mobile phones, which was previously restricted by the narrow definition accorded to “computer” and “computerised information”.
‘We cannot legally complain of a wrongdoing, for instance, online (bank) fraud if it’s not an offence in our country!’
Cybercrime knows no jurisdictional boundaries and is capable of being committed over multiple jurisdictions. Accordingly, the investigation and prosecution of Cybercrime hinges on the doctrine of dual criminality.
This means that in order for our police, or courts, to deal with a foreign offender, both our jurisdiction and the jurisdiction in which the offender is domiciled or resident must have similar criminal provisions.
Without dual criminality other mechanisms such as extradition for the purpose of prosecution, would be futile. And of course, we cannot legally complain of a wrongdoing of, for instance, online (bank) fraud if it’s not an offence in our country!
The penalties and imprisonment terms may be regarded at face value as rather extreme, but it must be appreciated that in the formulation of these penalties the following concerns needed to be taken into account –
- the level of anonymity one is able to enjoy in cyberspace;
- the far reaching, often unpredictable damage or loss that can result from the commission of an offence (the losses may range from nothing to millions of kina); and
- more often than not, the inherent level of sophistication of the perpetrator.
The cited maximum penalty is not mandatory. A maximum penalty is set to accord the court sufficient discretion when considering the penalties that ought to be imposed in a given set of circumstances.
Monetary penalties can range from zero to the maximum amount prescribed. For custodial sentences, the term of imprisonment can only be imposed up to, and not exceeding, the maximum term prescribed. Such elasticity was necessary.
Not sinister
The Cybercrime Code Act 2016 is not the result of some sinister ploy by the Government to shut out our right to freedom of speech (which in any case, is a qualified Constitutional right) or opinions on corruption.
It is a law that has been a long time coming and should have been enacted years ago.
It is highly technical because it deals with sophisticated technology. If in doubt, therefore, it would be advisable to seek legal advice or guidance prior to engaging in public commentary regarding the new Act.
Zinnia Dawidi is a board member of the National Information and Communications Technology Authority’s (NICTA) Universal Access and Service Secretariat (UAS).
Please advice more spam on social media. How can we deal with the problem
I need a contacts for people who can help me with more information on Cyber Crime and how to go about and even to the court . I am a victim . Please send me contact numbers or email address .
I am a victim of cyber crime who can assist me with raising a complaint. I need help
Someone defamed me verbally in public, responding to her defamatory statements, I text her some messages on her mobile. If I am taken to court, what type of activity under the cyber crime will I be charged on? The other party is the root cause, who provoked me to do what I did. Your best advise please.
I need to talk to an officer about my case, I need help
how can I file a complaint for cyber bullying?
How do I go about charging someone for sending treats through the Facebook messages app?
How about using social media for advertising purposes and for business opportunities? Is this a crime?
I got my device hit by a phishing attack last night. Fortunately, I had a recovery account.
How does NICTA plan on securing online safety and security of PNG citizens and the various infrastructure we have in place now from cyber attacks?
Do we have law that deals with GPL license of some software or constant on line? General Public Lincense has given legalised for Australia and other Commonwealth Regime.
Facebook is a a giant social media with a lot of cyber crimes, especially cyber bullying, pornographic materials being posted, identity theft and many others. If I was bullied in either one of the crimes above, will I be able to sue that person based on the Cyber crime code Act? Will my case be legally justifiable?
@Emily Papa, based on the act that have been raised in the Cybercrime act of 2016. Your rights are served as equally merge with the rest of the citizen of PNG.
Cyber crime is real and been a most recent victim on Facebook it hurts mentally to see how long it takes to try to get the person responsible for making you feel worthless .
As it hurts watching your family and friends and most of all yourself suffer mentally trying to put up with such , especially if you are a public figure and work for a very big organisation.
As you watch people you don’t even know make hurtful and damaging comments made against you , try hard to get justice and watch it drag on and on.. Please take tougher measure to such..
Where or whom can I get help from if I am a victim of Cyber Crime?
Is cyber crime act in PNG effective?
We need to carry more awareness on cybercrime issues!! People in the rural areas are also using mobile phones but are not really aware on such issues! We need to minimise the penalties to bring a balance on the society! Look at USA and other countries who are more developed and advanced! Their penalties are much lesser than us! What are we trying to prove here! Can we minimise the penalties
Where/who do I file a formal complaint to if I’m a victim of cyber crime?
What are the formal procedures in place for filing a formal complaint for being a victim of cyber crime.
very informative……..
Excellent. The people on social sites have forced this on themselves. It will also develop and build the capacity of people to respect others right to live in peace as a private or public figure.
I have been harassed recently on FB. Is there a law that deals with this kind of people?
Excellent job Nicta and Zinnia!
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