
Economic update 2023: Papua New Guinea’s year of gearing up

With the worst of the COVID pandemic behind it, Papua New Guinea is preparing itself for a decade of sustained economic growth. While the investments that will drive this growth are still being finalised, business leaders tell Business Advantage PNG the country is already starting to get ready.
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Five questions for Jon Philp, Australian High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea

One of Papua New Guinea's major trading partners, Australia has continued to increase its support for the country's economic development, especially in infrastructure. Business Advantage PNG asks Jon Philp, Australia's High Commissioner to PNG, about the intent of Australia's aid program in PNG and its priorities.
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Business-as-usual: Webuild is Lombrum Naval Base’s new head contractor

The K146 million redevelopment of Lombrum Naval Base in Manus Province is one of the significant infrastructure projects recently acquired by Italy’s Webuild for A$39 million (K94.3 million), following mounting financial problems confronting Australian engineering and construction group, Clough.
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Exclusive: Kerenga Kua on Papua New Guinea’s planned petroleum and gas reforms

Papua New Guinea is planning to move to a production sharing regime for petroleum and gas by the middle of the decade. Business Advantage PNG caught up with Minister for Petroleum Kerenga Kua, to better understand why the reforms are happening, and what industry can expect.
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Opinion: How exposed is Papua New Guinea’s economy to a tiny cluster of companies?

Papua New Guinea relies heavily on a limited number of taxpayers. Paul Barker, Executive Director of industry-funded think tank, the Institute of National Affairs, considers the implications for government expenditure and PNG's foreign exchange situation.
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