National Petroleum Company aims to deliver long-term benefits, says Kramer

As the PNG LNG project enters its operational phase, Frank Kramer, Chairman of the National Petroleum Company of Papua New Guinea (which will hold and manage the government’s 16.8% stake) outlines his vision for managing the country’s hydrocarbon assets.
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Papua New Guinea business needs to deal with the threat of cyber crime

With Papua New Guinea becoming more connected to the world through the internet and other digital platforms, the need to be alert to threats is becoming more important. Robert Blackman points out the risks, and considers the National Information and Communications Technology Authority's recently-released draft policy on cyber crime.
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Economic update: maintaining momentum in Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea’s economy finds itself in a hiatus, ahead of what will be a watershed moment its economic history—delivery of its first gas exports. In his annual appraisal of business conditions in the Pacific nation, Andrew Wilkins talks exclusively to some of PNG’s top executives.
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Analysis: Pacific governments need to tighten regime for foreign tuna fleets

The Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) agreed at its meeting in Honiara in March 2014 to set limits on tuna catches. Sean Dorney argues Pacific governments now need to address illegal fishing, an errant European Union, and the threat posed by subsidised foreign fishing fleets.
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Opinion: Oil Search loan deal will affect Papua New Guinea’s Sovereign Wealth Fund

Papua New Guinea's proposed Sovereign Wealth Fund was intended to stabilise the kina and secure assets for the future. But, as Paul Barker from the Institute of National Affairs argues, the government’s borrowing plan for Oil Search shares may jeopardise the fund’s effectiveness.
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