Foreign workers: who’s coming to Papua New Guinea and from where?

The number of foreign workers coming to Papua New Guinea is growing, with an annual net gain of up to 34,000 since 2007. Carmen Voigt-Graf reports that on recent growth rates, The Philippines will soon overtake Australia as the main source of foreign workers.
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Opinion: using gas to develop Papua New Guinea’s economy

Exporting all future PNG gas extract for income may not be the best use of this remarkable resource. LNG should also be used for domestic power consumption and petrochemical feedstock to boost industry and provide much-needed jobs, argues Petroleum Operations Advisor to the World Bank, Michael McWalter.
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Opinion: five things Papua New Guinea could learn from the BRICS nations

Brazil, Russia India, and China—the BRICs countries—provide a great example of four countries with very little natural geographical, cultural or historical ties, which have come together to focus on mutual opportunities and challenges. BRICS expert David Thomas outlines how Papua New Guinea and other Pacific nations could learn from the BRICs.
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Opinion: Using the central bank to finance Papua New Guinea’s deficit is a ‘slippery slope’

The Papua New Guinea economy is on the edge of a ‘slippery slope’, if the Bank of PNG finances government debt and continues to fix the exchange rate at too high a rate. Former Australian Treasury advisor Paul Flanagan says compounding the problems are rising inflation, falling foreign exchange reserves, and declining private sector credit growth.
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