Relief in sight for Papua New Guinea businesses wanting foreign exchange, says BSP CEO

There is some relief ahead for businesses struggling to access foreign exchange, according to the CEO of the country’s biggest bank, BSP. Robin Fleming says investment in the mining and petroleum sector and a new Sovereign Bond are the keys to boosting foreign exchange inflows.
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2016 will bring pressure on Papua New Guinea government finances and currency, says Asian Development Bank

Papua New Guinea will find itself in a tight fiscal situation in 2016, according to the latest analysis by the Asian Development Bank's economists. While more efficient public spending could yield large savings, they suggest more may need to be done to arrest the downward pressure on the currency.
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Prime Minister O’Neill challenges Papua New Guinea male leaders to play their part in eliminating domestic violence

The level of domestic in Papua New Guinea is ‘’simply unacceptable, it is a shame on our communities and it is a shame on our nation’, according to Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill. In a speech marking White Ribbon Day, Peter O’Neill called on leaders in business, communities, and the professions to take a lead in eliminating domestic violence. The following is an edited extract of his speech.
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Your human resources department is the key to achieving your company’s strategic aims

A company's Human Resources division can play a critical role in a firm’s strategic planning. Its knowledge of a workforce's skills and its role in establishing a company's values and culture can make a major contribution to a company's bottom line, says Dean Kuri of Lae’s Bonn HR Consulting.
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Reaction to Papua New Guinea’s 2016 Budget: necessary cuts but still some challenges, say experts

The Papua New Guinea Government has made tough decisions in its 2016 Budget to avoid a cash and macroeconomic crisis. Business Advantage PNG talks to some experts on how the budget measured up to expectations, and what is still needed.
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